Jun 10_98 Lukewarmness.




A Message from God the Father to J.V.


God the Father speaks,
My children, today I World like to speak to you about a subject matter that bothers Me greatly and that is lukewarmness.

So many hearts live in this situation. There are few, very few, hearts that have committed themselves to Me wholeheartedly, who live in Me and for Me, who seek to fulfill My needs. In general, those who are lukewarm are selfish. They seek Me out when they have a need, they seek Me out so that I may solve their problems, and that’s fine, but they only do so once they have exhausted their own human resources, their capabilities, their friends aid, and many times, after having turned to witches and occultists.

For them I am just another option to be used to help resolve their problems.
NO my children, I am not one of the many options. I am the primary source of Grace and Blessings. He who comes to Me with the conviction that I will grant them all that they ask for, knowing in true Faith that from God he will obtain everything as long as it is in accord with his spiritual growth and salvation, his personal sanctification and that of others, all shall be granted because he is moved by love and asks in love for himself and for others.

But if his heart is driven by shallow interests to ask of Me, and at times demand of Me, rest assured that none will be granted, and which moves many to say that: “God isn’t listening to me”.  I always hear the lament of My children, but I ask you now: How many hear My cry?

You are My instruments and as such you agreed to serve Me when you asked to be allowed to descend upon earth. I watch over you in every way, even when you are unfaithful, lukewarm, and even when you betray Me. I do not take away the gift of Life nor nourishment nor health, in vengeance. This does not come from Me. I, a kind Father, await and give to you all that you need in hope that you will: reconsider, and recognize My Love, and thus, search within yourself and in true humility, recognize the manner by which you repay My Blessings.  

No my children, I am not a God of terror, as many believe Me to be so. You think that I am waiting for you to make a mistake so that at that precise moment I can call you to judgment and exert punishment for your evil doings. You are not aware of many saints life’s who before they were touched by My Grace were persecutors of My Holy Name, murderers, thieves, or for whom I simply did not exist in their life. And how it came to be, that in one of those moments that I allow in the life of My children, they accepted the conversion of love and changed their life radically and from that moment on accepted to leave the darkness and follow the light. 

Many continue to live in darkness, at times an intense darkness and at times an apparent darkness, and therein lies your lukewarmness. You don’t, once and for all, accept to distance yourself from the darkness because you enjoy everything the world has to offer and which goes against My mandates.  Observe that I said “the world” and not My enemy since many a times you yourself become your worst enemy by accepting your own depravity and appetite for worldly goods that distance you from Me.  You make false gods of others, of things, of abominable ideals and I am relegated to second or third place or even yet, I cease to exist in your world. Reconsider My children, I love you immensely, you can not even imagine how much. Open your feelings to My Grace, accept the opportunities in your life that I offer you so that you may return to Me. Appreciate My Infinite Being in light of all the unimportant things that separate you from Me. Do not opt for a good that the Earth, the World or My enemy has to offer and which is ephemeral and insignificant to the Infinite Good that only your Heavenly Father can provide.

Do not seek Me out only in times of trouble or when you are at your wits end. Live completely in Me sharing your smallest and greatest moments, then you shall not find yourself overwhelmed by problems you consider to be impossible, for I shall come to your rescue before you ever decide to consider them impossible. If you share with Me your entire life, I thy Father will fulfill all your needs. Open your hearts completely to My Love: Remember, for Me nothing is impossible. You look at life with your human intellect, which is imperfect and finite. I, thy God, am Omnipotent and Infinite. Give Me your all, small and miserable and I shall exchange it for MY ALL, which is immense and majestic; you shall come out winning, I assure you. You must have absolute trust and faith in Me, I act in the plenitude of Love and always give of Myself completely, I withhold nothing nor do I act in My own interest. Do not be lukewarm, My children, for by being opportunistic, for flirting with both the world and with Me, whenever convenient for you, I will spew you out of My Mouth. These are harsh words, but I have created you for perfection and for you to abide in Me completely; and not for imperfection, abiding in Me at times, while at others, with My enemy.

Think again, My children, I love you dearly and wish to have you all for Myself. I Bless you in My Name, in the Name of My Son Jesus and the Name of the Holy Spirit of Love.