Jun 01_98 You have been formed in My Love to propagate Life.

For all women



A Message from God the Father to JV


God the Father speaks,
You have been formed in My Love to propagate Life. And I do not speak of just carnal, but of the spiritual life.

You were formed from Adam’s rib, a rib that represents the proximity to man’s  heart . You were created to give courage and support to your husband, to give him strength amidst daily struggles, to unite the family in love.

The intelligence you have been given must serve the heart and not your lust. Your mission on Earth is sublime. In you I have placed My grandest hope that I may win over souls through your apostolate of love within the family. Understand that mainly, it is within you where the seed of My Church lies. With your love, tenderness and example you are able to  lead your children towards the love of God , so that in the future holy ministers for My Church and good parents will not be lacking.

But, what has happened to you? You have again allowed yourselves to be seduced by the serpent. He has convinced you that you must live outside the family, making use of the intelligence and abilities that I, your God, have endowed you. You have chosen to compete against man, your companion and head of the family. You listen to the lies My enemy suggests to you through the media. He wishes to destroy My Work and you do not realize it.

You do not receive the sacraments; you do not listen to My words and Example in the Gospels. You do not go to My Mother to seek consolation or advice. You prefer to listen to mankind, already devoid of Divine Light, and even worse, many of those you call “artists” have sold themselves to My enemy, to destroy My Works. They exalt carnality and scorn and mock spiritual values. What good can  be drawn from this? You are digging your own tomb and your children’s too.

I have given you an enormousmission: to be co-creators with you Heavenly Father. Yet, what have you made of your mission? Falsehood has entered your homes through the media and you allow it to grow in your hearts. Where are all those babies I have sent you and whose development you have obstructed?

You have grown blind since you do not follow My Commandments, nor practice Virtues.

Yours is a double mission: you must become souls filled with virtue and love, and secondly, you must transmit those virtues to your children.

You are co-redemptors  with Me, since you must raise other Christs so that they may live clamoring My Name through out all nations.
Take a pause in your lives and in humility and honesty, reflect upon what I have just indicated. Are you really on My side, creating Love in the world, or are you against Me, helping My enemy lead souls down the road to perdition because they have not been able to protect themselves with the virtues that should have been taught to them in their homes?

Turn back, turn back to Me, daughters of My Heart and be united with the Love of your Creator to continue the Work of Love which was My primary intention when I created mankind.

All the love you give will bring you peace and confidence in your current and future life.

I bless you in My Holy Name, in My Son Jesus’  Name and in the Holy Spirit of Creation. And receive, too, the blessings of My Blessed Daughter, the Ever-Virgin Mary .