Jul 16_99 The trial that all who inhabit the Earth must endure.

The feast day of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel


A Message from God the Father to J.V. on the feast day of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel



God the Father speaks,
My Children, today I wish to speak to you about the trial that all who inhabit the Earth must endure.
All trials require groundwork. All trials demand a sacrifice. All trials produce joy or sadness. All trials give you strength and wisdom.

All the people on Earth will have to endure a great trial, a trial of Faith, a trial of Love, a trial that will strengthen the Divine Bond of the Love of God for his creature. 

Mankind is now living in the darkness of error. Souls are immersed more and more into total disregard for their God and into the exaltation of the flesh and its deviations. Now, more than ever, life is lived, lived for the sake of one’s own personal advantage, lived in order to obtain the greatest benefit from earthly life and human pleasure. Mankind has closed ranks with My enemy and together have decided to eliminate Me from your life. Man in his unrestrained pride believes what My enemy has taught him: to believe himself to be as a god, to do without Thy God, to turn your back on Me and forget My Laws of Love and not feel your carnal exaltations encumbered, and thus live out a life of sin in “complete freedom”; in complete disregard of a divine reproach that might burden you for having behaved wrongly. 

The devil has taken away the grace of being able to reach within your heart and listen to the voice of your conscience, which is the Voice of My Holy Spirit that dwells in you. You live in the darkness of error from which you do not wish to part. 

Your spiritual life is mayhem, and that mayhem will take you forward on the road to perdition of your soul. The devil has been preparing the terrain, much like a beast prepares to attack and kill its prey. There are slight opportunities left for you to take hold of the light, My Light that still reaches the earth hoping to make you aware of your actions. I fight for the eternal salvation of your soul and send to you only that which your soul allows me.
My Life, a Life of Grace, is stomped on, vilified, forgotten and the spiritual strength in your soul is weakening. With what strength will you fight the final trial that approaches?
An Olympic runner trains for years for the meet. He exercises both physically and mentally. He eats healthy foods. He is diligent with his down time and avoids all vices that may adversely impact his health. A few days prior to a meet, his food intake must provide him with enough energy from which to draw the necessary nutrients for the win; the long awaited glory for which he has prepared for, for many years.

And you My Children, are you ready for the final trial?
This shall be a trial of Faith; a test of your surrender and trust in the Will of God, a trial in which you must defend My Holy Name and My Divine Laws. It will be a trial of Love against unbridled and destructive hate, against the forces of evil. It will be a spiritual trial that will affect all worldly goods.

The devil seeks to destroy you, he wants, foremost, to destroy your most valuable possession: your soul, and hence, all My Creation, for in It he sees My Love for you, My Children.

Has your soul trained sufficiently so as to withstand the trial? Have you nourished yourself with My Holy Body and Blood in the Eucharist and with My Sacraments? Do you consistently protect yourself by leading a Life in Grace and prayer? Do you live a Life of Love within you and towards your brethren? Are you proud to have Me as thy Father and True God, and are not ashamed to be known as such?


Trials give testimony to the innermost quality of the person. It is then that the soul allows its values to flourish and control the carnal passions. Such is why that when fierce trials appear in one’s lifetime on earth, in those whose spiritual values are firm, strengthened, and well nourished the values of the soul flourish and overcome them. A mother defends her young against any attack and should a wild beast assault her young, yet she may wield only a stick as her weapon –because of her determination and valor that come from the soul, personal values, and a will to sacrifice herself for her young– she shall obtain a preternatural strength, a strength unbeknownst to her. These are the moments in which I come to the aid of My children, moments in which the soul in need generally invokes Me. And, I say “generally”, because not all have confidence enough to ask for My preternatural and Divine intervention to triumph at those moments when your physical and spiritual capacities are insufficient.

A trial well executed will beget you a triumph and a heightened spiritual growth. A trial well executed will fill you with joy and wisdom. In any trial, physical or intellectual, a triumph will help heighten your growth. Someone who truly prepared for the physical trial, studied, got to know, and defeated his contender. He got to know and studied the terrain and obstacles needed to overcome and overcame them. He focused precisely on what needed to be done and, following his will and determination, based on his prior training, does not hesitate to do what needs to be done at the decisive moment. All this and more helps him grow in knowledge and wisdom and shall bring about a final triumph.

The final trial approaches. You are watching how your enemy goes about preparing the terrain. You can see how your enemy has persuaded humanity to make do without My Presence within you. How he succeeds in letting evil walk your streets without anyone being able to take control. Now you can perceive how your spirituality and your search for anything that draws you near to Me: a Life of Grace, a life of purity, a life of Love, has been excluded from your life. Now you can see how more and more you forgo the sustenance of “life” found in the teachings of My Son, Jesus Christ, and in the gift of the Eucharist which he gave to you; His greatest act of Love for you.

Now you can understand how the devil exalts the search for and the lifestyle of the material world and carnal appetite, and your foregoing the spiritual life. Now more than ever you can see how he attacks and has taught you to attack life by abetting the use of contraceptives to impede Me from sending you more souls to Earth, who carry with them the Love of My Heart, and consequently, rendering you unable to defeat him. Now more than ever he has brought you means and ideologies contrary to My Teachings and your alliance to My Spiritual Life, making you believe that through these ideologies you can be as “gods” through a strengthening of your mental capacities and “inner powers” and thus finding no need for Mine. Now more than ever Nature has turned against mankind as man has altered the laws of Nature, laws that I established to be respected and observed and from which you were to draw from. Now more than ever you are fatigued and disillusioned with life for you are barren, Godless within. I am the Only One that can make you whole, I am the Only One that can feed you, “train” and guide you so that you can triumph. I am the Only One that you can turn to and find support at any given moment and Who will not deny you aid, whether or not in the past you have sought Me out. I am the Only One that can lift you up and forward on to defeat evil no matter how many times you are knocked down.

If you trust in Me, seek Me out, offer Me you lifetime, and seek the final triumph I shall take you to Glory and raise you up high for all to see you and I shall feel proud of My child that fought and triumphed because he allowed Me, his God, to work through him.

Although brief, there is still time. In days I can accomplish what you have been unable to in years; allow Me to lead you to triumph. Place a hold on your life, study the terrain which is your past life and study the road still ahead. Enter into My Heart with the help of the Holy Sacraments, and a life of Grace and prayer, and I shall nourish you so you may triumph. My Eternal Glory awaits you; I need only your response, the gift of your free will and acceptance in humility, so that I may lead you to triumph.

The test that the devil has prepared for you and that you are now living, and which shall only become more difficult, is insurmountable, for insurmountable is his power over you, you who are small. But My Grace, Power, Wisdom and Teachings are far beyond his power; Only together, you and I, can we defeat him.

Understand this My Children and assess your reality. By isolating yourself from Me and My Teachings your are currently living through the degradation of My Graces. Be humble and accept your pettiness and negligence. Had you lived in observance of My Laws and protection your World would be a vineyard, a paradise, but your preferred My enemy and now live in the filth-ridden hovel of evil.  

Do not let pride blind you anymore and impede you from the Truth and facing your reality. I can lead you to greener pastures filled with peace and love wherein violence or destruction do not exist, where you can live as brothers, children of the Only Father Who loves you dearly. I am thy God and I ardently desire to reclaim each and every one and deliver unto you eternal life, which I promised you from the beginning of time.

Trust in Me My children, I shall never abandon you. I shall give you physical and spiritual strength to triumph over this trial; a trial that will make you embrace a Life of Love in this new era of My Holy Spirit yet to come. Trust that I will be at your side to guide you and in your heart to Love you and give you strength, strength to overcome the forces of evil.
 I Love you and Bless you in My Holy Name, in the Name of My Son, and in the Love of My Holy Spirit yet to come.

Call upon Him, My children, call upon Him!