Jul 01_99 Let he who is without sin among you, be the first to cast the stone.

Message from God the Father to J.V.


God the Father speaks,

My Children, today I wish to speak to you about the expression My Son Jesus Christ used with the Pharisees and villagers when they were about to stone the adulterous woman: “Let he who is without sin among you –or considers himself just—be the first to cast the stone.”

Only I, your God am just, and if I, your God, know how to forgive him or her who is filled with sins, how is it that you, unjust sinners, can not learn to forgive? 

It is pride that makes you feel superior. It is pride that does not allow you to love or forgive your brethren.

My First Commandment asks that you Love the Lord your God above all things and love your neighbor as yourself.

You consider yourself just, such that you criticize one another’s behavior, sins and lifestyle. You feel justified in accusing and despising for you see the speck in your brother’s eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye. You consider yourself just, much as you consider yourselves gods, and you consider it just to punish the sinner–he who has done you or someone else wrong. You make use of My Rights, rights that only I, your God, may use. So then, if you consider yourself to be My equal and feel justified in executing judgment upon your brethren, why then do you not behave and live as I, your God does?

If I know how to forgive, I who am mostly affected by your errors, –who is understanding and forgives the sinner –why then do you not learn to behave in the same manner? Can you truly cast the first stone against the sinner who is being sentenced? Have you never before committed the same error or sin? Do you allow Me to Inhabit you completely? Do you behave as My Son behaved? Do you live as My Son did, bringing life to your brethren? Could you possibly give your life ignominiously as My Son did for you, taking upon Himself all the sins of the World, He Who was without sin –something none of you can claim?

You believe that you are just, yet you do not live a life of justice. You judge and condemn the sinner to death and shortly thereafter you commit the same actions you judged.

Understand that none among you can cast the first stone and yet, I still love you. You are all sinners because original sin affects all. My Son, Jesus Christ and My daughter, the Blessed Virgin Mary, have been and still are the only ones unaffected by Original Sin. They, in observance of My Plan for Salvation, offered themselves completely for your Salvation. A wondrous and mysterious bond of Love united My Son with His Mother. He suffered in Body and Heart; She endured His sufferings in Her Motherly Heart.

He and She are the only ones who are truly just, yet She has never embraced Her prerogatives and has instead obeyed all My Mandates with humility and complete surrender to My Will. Still, you with your pettiness and insignificance dare to consider yourself just?

The names of Jesus and Mary are respected in the Heavens and in hell, both Who are truly just and most humble.
My children, when will you learn not to judge, not to usurp a position that is not yours to have? I alone may impart justice and when I do so, it is My Mercy that intervenes to diminish the guilt of the sinner. Have you learned how to impart Mercy upon those around you?
You judge your brethren as murderers, thieves, perverts, evildoers, and ask that the full rigor of the law be used against them, yes, your imperfect laws –for imperfect beings have created them– that do not allow for Charity and Mercy to act. You ask that the full rigor of the law be used against those sinners you have caught when all the while you have committed the same sins or the same faults as you have judged. You are casting the stone so that others may believe you to be jus; the same stone that will be used against you when you stand before the Just One, I your Father, your God, who knows all and from Whom nothing is hidden.
You need so much more charity and humility in order to grow in MY Love, a Love that foremost, needs to look out for My Interests, and then yours, and Mine is: salvation, salvation for ALL, good and bad, sinners, and those you consider “just”.

The longer you continue to consider yourself just, the deeper you will fall into the abyss of sin, for pride will blind the eyes of your soul rendering you unable to clearly see the true spiritual reality in which you live.
The vast lack of Love towards your God and brethren is what makes you behave so: you are egotistic. You want the world to evolve around you; you want to be the center of attention; you believe that the economic, social, and political powers you wield give you the right to act, in that supposedly, just manner. Pride blinds you and you feel as if you were “the kings of creation”; to be glorified and accepted by all in spite of your defects which are, many a times, clear and blatant; but you are unable to see them because of your pride-driven blindness.

My children, evil has blinded you. It makes you believe that you have rights over the life of your brethren, a right to judge them and eliminate them all because of your pride.

If you are to judge you must FIRST learn to love and once you have learned to love you will learn to excuse and forgive. Only once you have reached this point may you then call yourselves Children of God, because only then shall you be living My Life through your life –for I brought you Life. I came to save the sinner; I came to lift those oppressed by evil and their brethren. I came to bring you the Light of Truth and take you out of the darkness of evil. Once you learn to live in the Light shall you then enjoy sharing it with the needy and offer My Kingdom to each and everyone. You shall teach them that My Kingdom is within them, to be enjoyed even when the whole world turns against them.
My Kingdom shall triumph when your heart is united with Mine, in Love. You are still too young and imperfect to understand your spiritual needs on your own. Without My help you will never be able to grow in Wisdom and Love. Follow My Teachings and the Life of My Son Jesus Christ, hand-in-hand with that of My Daughter, the Blessed Virgin Mary, and in profound humility of heart and with an overwhelming desire to grow in My Truth, shall you attain My Divine Wisdom.

I Bless you in My Holy and Omnipotent Name, in the Name of My Son, The Savior and Redeemer of Humanity, and in the Infinite Love and Wisdom of My Holy Spirit.