Jul 12_99 The Spiritualization of all people on Earth.

Message from God the Father to J.V.


God the Father Speaks,
My Children, today I would like to speak to you about something you should ask for with zeal: the Spiritualization of all people on Earth.

Why do I ask this of you? I am thy God, thy Father and Creator. My Life is spiritual; the manifestations of My Love are given to you at both a spiritual and material level. Upon your descent on Earth, you take on a physical body and you begin your life in a material environment however, many forget that you came from and must remain within the spiritual realm that exists within you. You forgo My Life within your life. You forget that your mission on Earth is to be carried out within the spiritual realm allowing you bring love and salvation to your brethren. You forget that the strength you receive to live in both a spiritual and material level come from Me, thy Father and God.

Your body mirrors the manifestations of your soul, but these are only manifestations, they are not life itself. A caress is a manifestation of the love for someone, a manifestation that emanates from your heart, from your soul, and which moves your body to offer it and the soul of the loved one appreciates this act of love through the sensations received through the body. This occurs with both good and bad manifestations that come from the heart, it is your soul that encourages your body to perform these actions and it shall be through these acts of free will that you shall truly come to know the souls of your brethren.

My Children, you are easily distracted by worldly goods. You did not descend on Earth to treasure possessions, things of the flesh, finite goods. You have, as do I, thy Father, a spiritual life infinitely more valuable and superior to all worldly goods. Do you truly believe that you will be able to take your earthly possessions into My Kingdom? Have you ever heard of anyone taking with them the least of their possessions upon their death and return to Me? What is worth reflecting is the time the soul wasted, who by being attracted to the material world, failed to dedicate time to the spiritual realm. Time wasted that could have been used to help Me save the souls of others as well as their own; aside from the possibility existing that they may have set a bad example by employing their possessions to provoke the fall of many other souls.

Worldly goods are goods that aid you in giving life to your body and should not be used in amounts more than is necessary. Treasuring possessions can turn against you so that what should be used to give life to your body and provide assistance to your brethren, becomes a source of perdition for you.

I have explained that the worldly goods that I created are manifestations of My Love for you and as such, they should be used in favor of your brethren. You should spiritualize all worldly goods, that is, seek worldly goods only to suffice your needs and those of your brethren, but not in excess, and give Me thanks. When you offer these goods to your brethren, you shall be acting as I Do with you: giving Love through worldly goods.

The miser, who treasures worldly goods and not just money, in order to feel superior to others, is slowly losing his greatest reward, My Heavenly Kingdom.

The spiritualization of people must take place so that My Kingdom may become evident among you. All your works should be directed towards Me, thy God. All should be driven, acted, done, and desired in the spiritual realm that is LOVE.

When you see Love, My Love in you, in all your works, then you shall be spiritualizing your life. When you give Me thanks, seek to please all your brethren with as much as you are able to share, and you are able to see Me in them, only then shall you be spiritualizing your works.

When your human acts are imbued with love, tenderness, understanding, and affection towards others because you see Me in them, then you shall be living in and bringing My Kingdom into your life and others.

You should manifest My Love that exists within you through your works and through all that you possess instead of trying to treasure goods and falling prey to your egotism and love of worldly goods which will bring harm to your earthly and after life.

If I manifest My Love through the things that I give to you, you should do so as well and then they shall become valuable because your brethren will no longer see the item simply as such, but My Love in both the item and the person that bears the gift.

As I mentioned, you have physical life because of the spiritual life and thus, when you realize that all things move because of the spiritual life, your greatest joy shall be to enter into My Life through yours and to strive to have Me accompany you through out your lifetime.

Your interior life is valuable only because I Inhabit you. If you learn to Live through Me you shall never distance yourself from My Kingdom and so your passage from earthly life to a spiritual and eternal life shall be beautiful, fearless, and filled with hope.

My Children, I ask that you meditate upon these words, that you place them in your heart and that you live and help others live in the spiritual realm, all those who come in contact with you and all those whom your prayers can reach.

Your spiritual life is extremely valuable, do not stray away from it, do not fall prey to the tricks of my enemy whose only wish is to see you stifled by the material world that isolates you from the My spiritual Life.

Learn to spiritualize all your actions, your life, and your belongings by engulfing them in My Love that inhabits you. Do not limit Me; delve into your heart and with humility and honesty ask yourselves how I would act, do, say or give. If you act accordingly you shall be respecting My Life within you and limiting your lustfulness, your passions, your wantonness, your pride, your egotism, and by giving precedence to the flow of My Will through your life, you will be spiritualized and allow Me to once again walk the face of the Earth.

I Love you and Bless you My children, in My Holy Name, in the Name of My Son Jesus Christ, and in the Love of My Holy Spirit.