Jun 02_98 My Pain is such that I sweat blood and water.




A Message from Our Lord Jesus Christ to J.V.  


Our Lord Jesus Christ Speaks,
Write My Son. I am here in the garden of Gethsemane, suffering before My Father for all your sins. My pain is such that I sweat blood and water and the main cause for this and which saddens My Most Precious Heart, is Man’s ingratitude.

So few are those who remember My Life, My Pains, My Total Self-Giving for all to My Holy Father. So few are those who delve into their hearts and try to take me with them; So few are those that try to make reparation, not only for the sins of others, but for their own sins; So few are those who can demonstrate to others the Love that I taught you, while I was on Earth and leave My Example for centuries to come.

That was my greatest pain, and I would ask God the Father:, Father, what is the use of so many manifestations of Love, so much suffering, so much giving of Ourselves if  still so many, many  souls will be lost?

How I would want to take hold of every soul and show them the excesses of Love and turn them into incense to be offered to the Heavenly Father. Every soul costs me so much! And yet I have to respect your will, even when I would like to force you, through Love, to return to Me.

You lose so much when you abandon Me and you don’t realize it, despite the many efforts I go through, through out your lives so that you will return to Me.

I  provide you with so many opportunities during your lifetime to regain your souls. I send you advice through My priests, I provide you with moments of reflection through writings, I send My Angels to show you the path that leads you back to your Home, My Home. I place the love and tenderness in  the little arms that open and say “papa”, “mama” so that your hearts may be moved towards the greatest Love which is Mine. What do you do with all of this? I find hearts of stone, hearts closed off to your God, hearts that do not desire giving themselves to their Creator. You live on Earth to spread My Holy Name to ALL creatures, your sole commandment, I might say, but instead you become  filled with selfishness, you live only for yourselves and I become a part of your lives, if only for an instant in your lifetime, when you turn to Me whenever things become adverse . It is in those moments that you turn your gaze towards Me, but most of the time it is not with a humble petition but with a pride-filled order and even then I grant you what you need in the Divine hope that you will see Me in the circumstances and that you will become aware that your God NEVER forgets you, My creatures.

I, your Lord and God, continue and will continue waiting and giving of Myself to you, so you may return to Me. Give Me what you can, let it come from your heart and I will take it with great fondness to alleviate the immense pain of My Agony and Sorrowful Passion.

But remember one thing, for those of you from whom I have received no signs of gratefulness and Love: do not call Me unjust at the end of, or even during, your lives, because I, your God, gave of Myself completely to you, up to the last drop of blood and I let Myself be humiliated as no one has ever been humiliated, and I let Myself be tormented as no one in the history of mankind has ever  been tormented. I have loved in excess and you My children, what have you given in return?

So don’t call me unjust; yet unfortunately, I hear it constantly from My children.

My little children come to Me, your Savior, and I will take you to beautiful gardens and fields where My Love will fulfill you for ever and ever. I do not hold grudges; I only await your repentance and your return to My Heart. There is room for all and enough forgiveness for all sins, even those you consider extremely grave. My Precious Blood can purify everything since I, and My Works, are Omnipotent, and you and your deeds, good or bad, are infinitely small.

I love you dearly; turn back to Me with a humble and contrite heart and I will clothe you in a white tunic and I will take you to My Heavenly Home to live forever, united, for all eternity.