Nov 04_98 His Triumphant Return.




A Message from Our Lord Jesus Christ to J.V.



Our Lord Jesus Christ Speaks,
The need for mankind’s assistance and charity for His Triumphant return

Write My Son. A coined phrase states that actions speak louder than words. Think for a moment: what would happen if I appeared among you multiplied a hundred or a thousand fold over and you encountered your Christ on Earth once again and I were at liberty to act as I did 2000 years ago?

The entire world would be moved, the world would change radically because Love would walk upon your streets, because you would be abiding completely in Me, Hearing Me again, seeing My Works and Miracles, noticeably experiencing My Love. How would people in general react? What good would be accomplished from My stay with you?

The world needs this change and should request it, you should ask for the return of My Kingdom on Earth, you should implore for My Second Coming and your reward would be –as I have stated– to have Me Living in your midst once again.

You are probably wondering how you might possibly go about obtaining this greatest of favors from your God, and I shall provide the answer. Foremost, you must allow Me to dwell in your heart, you should allow My presence to be known to all around you, and you must be My predecessor, as was Saint John the Baptist during My first Coming. You have already obtained the Grace of Baptism and Confirmation; you have already received My Holy Spirit Who has begun to work in your soul, inasmuch as you have allowed Him to do so. You have been given the Holy Grace of receiving My Precious Body and Blood in the Holy Eucharist. You have had the opportunity to listen to My Eternal Teachings in the Holy Scripture. You have had many an opportunity of getting to know Me fully, of Living in Me, more so than any of your ancestors ever did when I walked upon the face of this Earth.
Knowing that from Me you can only expect bountiful Love, your surrender should be much easier. With your surrender and My complete inhabitation of you, you are truly preparing for My Triumphant arrival. The World must realize that the life you lead today has led you astray from My Precepts and My Will. You might live on Earth yet, should you truly work on My behalf, live for Me, and die for Me, than you most certainly are Mine and not of this World. Your free and Loving surrender to Love ensures your Salvation and that of many, many souls, inasmuch as you become aqueducts of Life, rivers of the plenitude of Grace, and oceans of Love that should inundate all souls. For My Second Coming all must be prepared for Me to live among you as I live in Heaven. You must live in complete Love, your World must be purified of all hate, evil, impurity, war and destruction. Your soul must live in complete freedom of Will to love your God and Lord. You alone must seek the keys to unlock the doors of the New Paradise. I wish I could force you to accept the immense Good that I long to give you, but I can not because of the respect that I have for you, I do, however, let you know My desires so that you may realize how much I truly Love you. I describe to you the Gift that awaits you so you may realize that by surrendering as much as a grain of sand of your Will to Love, you may grow to love, Love, and Fight for It defeating within you all that which distances you from Me and from securing My Kingdom among you.

Hail My Holy Name, Bless My Name at every moment. I, your Christ, your Savior and Redeemer will arrive shortly and I shall come from the Heavens above adorning My arrival with My Holy Angels, descending to Reign in My Holy Name over all things made.

Help Me My children! Help one another start a new life, a New Kingdom of Love among you and We shall all enjoy living a Life in accordance to the Holy Will of your God and Creator. I am your Savior, your God and Creator Who has redeemed all mankind and Who now with your assistance and willful surrender to True Love, such as you have never known before, wishes to prepare for His Second Coming, and prepare you for your triumphant entrance into My Heavenly Kingdom, at the end of your mission on Earth.

Unite your will once again to the Holy Will of your God; the bond broken by your original parents. As their children, you can restore the family’s sin, give of yourself completely, abandon yourself to the Perfect Love of your Father and then you will be able to unite mankind  –fallen from Grace through Original Sin—to the Divine Spirit of the Grace of God. Let My Grace, My Life, and My Love flow freely and together we shall restore all that has been destroyed by evil. Take the first step and I will advise you and guide through the next steps. Be as children and I, your God, shall lead you by the hand into the New Paradise that shall be inhabited by Souls given freely to Love, Faithful souls, Confident souls, souls that wish nothing more than to please their God and Creator.

I Bless you in the Holy Name of My Father, In My Name, and in the Name of the Holy Spirit of Love, to Whom, with the assistance and guidance of Thy Holy Mother, the Ever Virgin Mary, you should ask for a change of heart.

Fight! Fight vehemently and passionately, in simplicity and profound prayer of Heart, for Peace and for My Second Coming.