Evening Rosary.




  • If you allow Me to perfectly move you, nothing will go wrong, everything will be perfect, that is how people throughout history have allowed Me to move them and have attained holiness through My Church.
  • You are My apostles of these end times; you are working for Me for the salvation of souls, you will relive My moments and make these yours, in this time to come.
  • Much will be the work that needs to be done, but you will be able to count on My Holy Spirit to give you Divine Nourishment, so you can endure hours and hours of work, for the good of your brethren.
  • The instrument has to do his part and that is, living a life of Virtue, to a heroic degree; ask me for this Grace, so you may truly be an example for your brethren.
  • Listen well, all the rulers of the World: just as the moment of the end of satan has come, so has their end on Earth arrived; they chose satan as their ruler and master of their life and they shall follow him into his dominions, from which they will never depart.


A Message from God the Father and Our Lord Jesus Christ to J.V.


First Mystery. God the Father speaks.

Theme: If you allow Me to perfectly move you, nothing will go wrong, everything will be perfect, that is how people throughout history have allowed Me to move them and have attained holiness through My Church.

(Tongues…) My children, when I have asked you to fully confide in Me, your God, it is so that you may be as little children. The instrument does not think nor does he speak or do things that the master does not let him do. The instrument lets himself be totally moved by He who knows how to do things, and that is I, your God.

Understand, My children that you are young and you do not have the Wisdom I do, that you will not know how to properly confront the events that will take place.

Satan will attack you. Do you know how he acts? You do not, do you? I do, he is my creature, I know him perfectly, I know how he will act and that is why I do not want you to lead with your actions, it I, your God Who shall do so. 

In a way, it is an easy position to bear, yet undoubtedly a difficult one in the presence of your brothers, because they are watching you, but you are looking at Me. You know that I, your God, am moving you, I am advising you and leading you with My Will to do the right thing.

This, your brothers do not know; they shall watch what you do, without knowing that it is I Who is behind your actions.

If you allow Me to perfectly move you, nothing will go wrong, everything will be perfect, that is how people throughout history have allowed Me to move them and have attained holiness through My Church.

To be holy is to know how to do My Will; it is surrendering to My Will, responding to My Needs, to carry out whatever I may ask you to do. Moreover, even if you might not understand what you are doing, I am your God, I know what you must do, and that should be enough; do not attempt to peer into My mysteries and into what I ask you to do. Everything will come out perfect, because I am the Perfect One and even if you do not understand a situation, in which I will ask you to take action, let Me move you, later on you will understand what you did, and you will perfectly understand what My Action Plan was to overcome satan’s force.

Again I ask you to be unassuming, humble, and completely surrendered to My Will. Do not do anything I do not ask you to do.

Thank you, My children.

Second Mystery. Our Lord Jesus Christ speaks.

Theme: You are My apostles of these end times; you are working for Me for the salvation of souls, you will relive My moments and make these yours, in this time to come.

My children, I truly suffered during My Dolorous Passion, because My Human side, just as yours, suffered and ached, but My Divinity rejoiced in fulfilling the Will of My Father, knowing that I would once again open the Doors of the Kingdom of Heaven for those souls who fought, were fighting, and would fight to abide My Laws and My Love.

Your position is similar, My little ones, you are My apostles of these end times; you are working for Me, for the salvation of souls; you will relive My moments and make these yours, in these times to come.

You will become more sensitive to Me, in My Humanity, feeling as I felt, suffering as I suffered, but also enjoying as I enjoyed.

Redeeming a soul for the Kingdom of Heaven is a great joy, but watching a soul fall into condemnation despite that I am insistently aiding them with their conversion and their need to reflect upon the lifestyle they have led, is a great pain for the Kingdom of Heaven.

You shall suffer with Me the pain in My Heart, as My children and co-redeemers, but you will also experience the joy of salvation and, above all, the joy of admiring those souls who love Me, souls who seek Me, souls that understand Me, souls who desire to live with Me for all eternity.

When you see such beautiful souls, surrendered, obedient, and above all happy, because they live Me, you shall also experience great joy, and that is a joy that very few souls experience because few are the souls who truly love My Blessed Trinity and love their mission for the salvation of souls.

Accompany Me, then, My children, in the salvation of souls, of many of your brethren, and I would like to say all, but there are many who are not your brethren, who do not belong, and shall never belong, to My Kingdom.


For those I ask your compassion, because compassion helps you grow spiritually, because your heart aches as a result of your brethren’s failures.  

Thank you, My children.

Third Mystery. God the Father speaks.

Theme: Much will be the work that needs to be done, but you will be able to count on My Holy Spirit to give you Divine Nourishment, so you can endure hours and hours of work, for the good of your brethren.

My children, (Tongues…), as the events unfold in your life and that of yours, the greater will be satan’s attacks, because he will then see how I, through you, will eliminate and destroy his plans of destruction.

The souls will also become aware of your deeds and you shall ask for their prayers to support you, to help you spiritually.  

I have told you that Humility must be your preferred Virtue and that is what your brethren shall see in you, despite the achievements that you have obtained for Me, or should I say: when they see My achievements, assisted by you. Because, although it is you who they see, it is I who will have moved you, completely, into defeating satan.

Your brethren shall see you, they will want to hail you and raise you up, but do not allow actions that lead you into pride and into distancing yourself from Me; Flee, as My Son did when the people wanted to make Him King. Flee from all circumstances that make you grow in pride, because if satan fell into that sin, and his reward was to become satan, I do not wish for the same thing to happen to you.

Ask Me, at every moment, especially during difficult moments of temptation, that I open My Heart so you may enter, and, thus, you will remain protected from all satanic power, from all of satan’s snares. Protected in My Heart, you will continue working for Me and at the same time obtaining countless Blessings from Me, so you may continue working towards the salvation of your brethren.


Much will be the work that needs to be done, but you will be able to count on My Holy Spirit to give you Divine Nourishment, so you can endure hours and hours of work, for the good of your brethren.

Rejoice, then, My children, and I want you to always remain unassuming, almost hidden from your brethren; remember that you are working for Me and helping your brothers in their salvation; do not become conceited by the words your brethren utter to you, which flatter your ears; depart, with respect and courtesy, and thank Me, your God, for the opportunity to save your brethren and, above all, that it is for Me that you are working for.

Thank you, My children.

Fourth Mystery. God the Father speaks.

Theme: The instrument has to do his part and that is, living a life of Virtue, to a heroic degree; ask me for this Grace, so you may truly be an example for your brethren.

My children, remember that although you have been chosen, you are nothing in My Presence.

You are nothing, and in the face of nothingness, I manifest Myself and thus the World will realize that I am in you and in those who I have chosen around the world, so that My Power may be displayed through the nothingness of My instruments.

The instrument has to do his part and that is, living a life of Virtue, to a heroic degree; ask me for this Grace so you may demonstrate to your brethren, that, foremost, My Grace is at work in you and thus, once you are filled with My Grace, others may receive My Grace through your presence, prayers, and intercession.

Live as true examples of My Presence in you. You will show Me, your God, to the whole world, you are not going to show yourself, you, who are so poor and miserable! Your existence and your being cannot be an example, and it is I Whom you shall show to mankind and they shall recognize Me through your misery. This has always happened in the history of mankind, when I made Myself known through your brethren, who show Me as I am. Indeed, the instrument has to change his way of being, the instrument realizes Who possesses him; the instrument is aware of My Dignity and he is overwhelmed, knowing that his King, his Creator, his Father, is Who possesses him, and it is an honor for the soul and a tremendous joy that you should have already begun to savor and enjoy for some time already, more so now that your mission has been confirmed.

Continue onward, My little ones, and I remind you again, that you must live a life of Virtue, to a heroic degree.

Thank you, My children.

Fifth Mystery. God the Father speaks.

Theme: Listen well, all the rulers of the World: just as the moment of the end of satan has come, so has their end on Earth arrived; they chose satan as their ruler and master of their life and they shall follow him into his dominions, from which they will never depart.

It is written that when satan feels that he is the lord and master of all of Creation; when he feels that everything lays prostrate at his feet; when he feels and believes that his wickedness has destroyed the Goodness that resides in man’s heart, that will be the moment when he is defeated.

The governing bodies on Earth, are satan’s servants, some to a greater degree and others to a lesser degree, but they have been deceived by satan and his offer of power, wealth, and dictatorial rule, to the extent of them wanting to do and undo at will, over all of the souls created.


That will be the moment at which, at the crowning moment of arrogance and evil, he will be defeated, along with all those who helped him and became his instruments.

It saddens Me that those upon whom I bestowed capabilities to govern, so that they would lead their brethren down the path of Good, took advantage of them and rather than helping them, chose to dominate them ―they will suffer eternal damnation.

Listen well, all the rulers of the World: just as the moment of the end of satan has come, so has their end on Earth arrived; they chose satan as their lord and master of their life and they shall follow him into his dominions, from which they will never depart.  


There is so much blood on their hands! All the pain they have inflicted by their injustices! So much spiritual destruction they have caused by: opposing My Laws and My Love, violating My Word, and imposing errors with laws, which they have invented in order to better serve their master, satan!

Their presence on this earth will be remembered as a betrayal against Heaven; a ruler carries much responsibility, because it is I Who granted them the gift and they were here to serve Me, to protect their brethren, and instead they betrayed Me and their brethren too.

They carry so much sin and evil on their conscience! And worst of all, in their conscience, they do not embrace the desire to repent ―their pain will be for all eternity. They betrayed Me, their God! The pain these souls inflict upon Me, because of the evil they have sown! They could have been good rulers, a grand, beautiful, just, humble, and wise example, but they chose not to be so ―their time has come, their end is near.

I have promised you that this purification will eliminate evil from the face of the Earth, and these your brethren: murderers, thieves, corrupt and evil ones, traitors, will reach their end on Earth; even so, I ask you to pray for them so that their pain is not so great where they are set to spend eternity, with their master, satan.

I insist, you must always personify Virtue and Love, just as I Love, even towards those who have betrayed Me and turned their back on Me. I am the Only One Who can Judge, your task is simply to love, as My Son asked you to do: “Love one another as I have Loved you.”

Thank you, My children.