Jul 23_15 The first phase will be to test you, the second phase to sanctify you.

Evening Rosary




  • I am your God and I know how each of you errs, but only through prayer can I tell you how you have erred, so you can return to the path of Good. Humility, humility, My children, with it you will grow, but if you do not look for it, it will never will be yours.
  • These are the signs of the Times: evil has little time left, as do those too who are aligned with evil; the prayers of the just reach Me, and because of the remnant faithful, I must now decide in favor of the change that you need.
  • You will most certainly live very unpleasant things that will harm you and cause you much pain, but the pain you suffer shall never compare to the pain that you inflict upon My Sacred Heart, because of your sins.
  • I am your Father, I am your Creator, and it hurts Me deeply to lose souls, and that is why I shall allow Worldwide disasters, so those dormant hearts may be awakened, so they may fight for the good of their brethren.
  • Remember that the remaining faithful, after the chastisement, will not all have received the Evangelization of My Son, and those who have been prepared in the Word and Love of My Son, shall bear His Presence and take Him to your brethren.



A Message from God the Father to JV

First Mystery. God the father speaks.

Theme: I am your God and I know how each of you errs, but only through prayer can I tell you how you have erred, so you can return to the path of Good. Humility, humility, My children, with it you will grow, but if you do not look for it, it will never will be yours.

My children, I have mentioned that your body needs food to develop, but this, in turn, even if you receive nourishment your body may develop well or bad, depending on the quality of the food. In your soul something similar happens, the soul also needs spiritual nourishment, but in the same manner, the nourishment may be good or evil.

The soul definitely, seeks nourishment and you can perceive it, because, internally, you do not feel stable, perhaps you might have much of the material goods, good health, a good economy, a stable home, a stable job, etc., but if you’re not properly nourishing your soul, you will feel a void inside.


That void is because you are not feeding your soul with My Nourishment, My Presence, and My Life.  You can find many forms of spirituality in your World; one might even make you feel fulfilled, but you will always feel the void inside.


I am the Only One that can provide you with the right nourishment, so you may no longer feel hunger or thirst.


Yes, My children, I have told you many times that you need Me, My Live Presence within you, and My Love.

How many people spend their life seeking a spiritual life and fall into different trends or ideals? And how many times these many different trains of thought, different from what I have taught you, may destroy your life? Your body depends on your soul; the soul depends on the spiritual nourishment you provide.     

Many souls waste their life looking for what is right, they deviate, return, change their mind, seek something else, or become entrapped by whatever attracts them, but they are wrong.

I have asked you many times to ask for the Gift of Discernment and It shall lead you to the Truth, My Truth in your life that will satisfy you because it shall dispel all your doubts and concerns, and solve your problems.  

I am your God and I know how each of you err, but only through prayer, can I tell you how you have erred, so you can return to the path of Good. Humility, humility, My children, with it you will grow, but if you do not look for it, it will never will be yours.

Ask for forgiveness for your faults, seek Me out so I can give you what you need to lead a New Life in Me, alone you will never reach the level of Wisdom that I need you to obtain.

Satan continues to deceive you and he diverts you from the paths of Truth that you must take and thus you end your life filled with errors and lies.

I ask you, My children, to enter into your heart and seek Me out, and once there, ask Me whatever you wish. Do not waste what little time you have left to live in what you currently have, apparent peace. Great disasters will soon begin in a very short time and you must be perfectly united with Me, so you are not confused with the paths that remain, and to which you will be asked to join. My Holy Angels will guard you; everything will change.


The first phase will be to test you, the second phase to sanctify you. Do not be afraid, trust in Me; evil, error, and sin is what I shall wipe off the face of the Earth, and if you lie in neither, then there is no need to worry. Certainly, there is error, evil, and sin in every soul, but there are some souls who know how to live by My Side. Trust, have trust in My Love, trust in that My Son gave of Himself completely for each and every one.

I love you, My little ones; receive My Blessing, amen. 


Second Mystery. God the Father speaks.

Theme:  These are the signs of the Times: evil has little time left, as do those too who are aligned with evil; the prayers of the just reach Me, and because of the remnant faithful, I must now decide in favor of the change that you need.  

My children, (tongues…) In the Holy Scriptures you read about climate, you know when it is going to rain, when it is going to be hot or cold, that is why it was known and perceived, when the Son of Man was to be born.


I now say to you the same thing. You know the signs, because it is written, about the Second Coming of the Son of Man, of My Son, Who shall return to Earth and be among men. Those who appreciate Love and Perfection, to which all are called, are now in this Time. You are living a spiritual decadence; you can see how satan is taking over the powers of the World. How the climate has been altered, how man fights against man, how he has drawn away from My Love, My Laws and My Teachings.   

It is written that when satan feels he has conquered, his time will end. Remember that no one is the winner if he has no one to boast about it, if he does not have anyone by his side to raise him up, to cater to him, making him an idol before all. Now you can see how satan and his cohorts, and all those who live a life of evil, are raised up, are made heroes, are made to feel important, and many foolishly, kneel down before them and you do so because of that economic and political power that they have garnered through robbery, murder, corruption, and evil, and still you exalt them and kneel in their presence.    

Those who are fools, who cannot see through the eyes of Truth that stems from Me, your God, those that go along with those who deify themselves and ask to be deified, have little time left on the face of the Earth.

These are the signs of the Times: evil has little time left, as do those too who are aligned with evil; the prayers of the just reach Me, and because of the remnant faithful, I must now decide in favor of the change that you need.

Satan has always yearned to destroy you and the power you have bestowed him by not being faithful to Me, has exalted him.  You alone have tied the noose around your neck, and he is now strangling you, destroying you, he does with you as he pleases, he humiliates you and tears you further apart from Me.  

Instead of rising up and fighting, and asking for My help, you allow him step all over you, because he continues to convince you into living a life of sin, of enjoying evil, and hence, man continues to fall, becoming more and more depraved and forgetting Me.

The slime of evil covers all Nations, entire peoples, who have turned away from Me, who live to serve Satan.

The pain all this causes me! Because I love you, because you are My creatures, because I still hope, long, that there may still be an inner light in you, that you may be able to grow, that you may be saved! But, I see how with your actions, you are extinguishing those tiny lights that still remain in your heart. There is no longer any love left, and that is precisely the Light that Satan attacks and worst of all, is that you remain absolutely untouched. Once this tiny light is extinguished, what happens then? If you lived badly, when there was still some light, My Light within you, once extinguished, you will live far worse than before and also incite many into the same fate, because by your example, you prevail upon those souls around you and lead them into error.

Does your heart remain untouched by the emptiness you feel without Me, in you? Do you not feel the emptiness that oppresses you, that might make you repent and return to Good? No, there is no love left in many hearts and, I repeat, My Kingdom is of Love and if you do not live in Love and for Love, you have no part with Me in the Kingdom of Heaven. Your life becomes useless, it becomes evil, sinful, and such a soul cannot live among My children, so you do not corrupt good souls, simple souls, souls that radiate light, radiate My Love.

Repent, pray for your brethren who live in evil, pray vehemently for them, My Love can do miracles, but you first need that miracle within you.

Let My Holy Spirit prepare you and guide you, so you may be an example in these times of darkness. Save souls for Me, My little ones; you who are with Me, save souls for Me, they are My children, your brothers.

Thank you, My children.


Third Mystery. God the Father speaks.

Theme: You will most certainly live very unpleasant things that will harm you and cause you much pain, but the pain you suffer shall never compare to the pain that you inflict upon My Sacred Heart, because of your sins.

My children, because many have been living in evil, in error, in these times satan’s evil will be fully revealed and that is when you will realize where, with his deceitfulness, he has led you, but you will also live the horrors of satanic evil.

Satan is ruthless; when you come face to face with his evil is when many will repent, and that is how I shall win souls. Remember, that whatever I allow mankind to live, as painful as it may be, always, always something Good shall emerge from that experience and sooner or later, you will thank Me for that life experience, because, because of it, you shall grow. 

You will most certainly live very unpleasant things that will harm you and cause you much pain, but the pain you suffer shall never compare to the pain that you inflict upon My Sacred Heart, because of your sins, your coldness, your nonsense, your profanities, your mistakes, and thus I could enumerate these in a never-ending list of everything that you wreak upon My Sacred Heart.

There is so much evil that man produces, especially when he becomes an instrument of satan! Even those who are not immersed in evil, who do not have the discernment to realize how you injure My Sacred Heart, I will allow them, in these times of tribulation, to experience some of My Sorrows. Remember that My Heart is the most Sensitive and thus I suffer your profanities, errors, sins, and evil, more deeply.

Make reparation, make reparation, My children, for your sins and those of your brethren; reparation is an immense treasure for your soul, because you assuage the pain, outrages, and disdains. Love Me, by bringing Me souls to be salvaged and you will assure your eternal salvation. I love you, My little ones.

Thank you, My children.


Fourth Mystery. God the Father speaks.

Theme: I am your Father, I am your Creator, and it hurts Me deeply to lose souls, and that is why I shall allow Worldwide disasters, so those dormant hearts may be awakened, so they may fight for the good of their brethren.

My children, not everything you experience during the disasters will be bad, remember that I always obtain Good from the evil that attacks you and hence, you will definitely live through disasters, evil, and hate, but from all this, there will also be good, good that will gush forth from, precisely, those hearts that were dormant, from those hearts that needed to be strongly motivated when faced by disasters and the suffering of the multitudes, and from that good, many souls will be saved.

I am your Father, I am your Creator, and it hurts Me deeply to lose souls, and that is why I will allow Worldwide disasters, so those dormant hearts may be awakened, so they may fight for the good of their brethren, and the offering of oneself; those acts of charity that will burst forth from them, will move other dormant hearts. 


That is My Love, My children; I seek and find the way to move your hearts towards conversion. Certainly, I allow for those calamities to take place, but the one who provokes them is satan. Because, how could a Father who loves, and loves in a manner that is unimaginable to you, cause so much evil, where his children might perish and be lost for all eternity? Trust Me, My little ones, and trust the events that may occur in your life. Perform acts in love and charity toward your brothers who have become demonic, do not be drawn into evil, like so many of your demonized brothers, who even in times of disaster and pain, take advantage of their brothers by stealing away their material goods or, even worse, taking away their spiritual life. 

That is satan’s evil way and that is how you will be able to compare between good souls and those souls who sold out to satan. A good soul gives of oneself, for his brothers; the evil soul takes advantage of the situation and does no good for their brothers.
Pray much, My children, that you may have the necessary fortitude and wisdom to withstand and fervently offer, the trials that will take place in your life and in that of your brethren.
Thank you, My children.

Fifth Mystery. God the Father speaks.

Theme: Remember that the remaining faithful, after the chastisement, will not all have received the Evangelization of My Son, and those who have been prepared in the Word and Love of My Son, shall bear His Presence and take Him to your brethren.

My children, these moments that draw near, times of trials, is when the children of Light will appear before mankind. You have been prepared for this; you will bring Light to your brethren in these times of darkness.

Remember that the remaining faithful, after the chastisement, will not all have received the Evangelization of My Son, and those who have been prepared in the Word and Love of My Son, shall bear His Presence and take Him to your brethren.

He is the Light, He is the Light that came to destroy darkness and you are now, Light. Surely, you doubt this great grace that I have bestowed upon you and which still does not emerge as it should, but even now, among your brethren, you have tasted this grace, when you have enlightened them with your words, example and love, which is none other than the Life of My Son in you.

You should be grateful and joyful because of this great Grace, because you were prepared for it, you were chosen to be called children of God in these times to come and I, and your brethren, will be indulgent with you for being the messengers of Light, messengers of He Who Is the True Light, who came down to be among men, to show them the Way, the Truth, and the Life.  


I am your God, I am your Father and you shall bring Me the joy that an infinite number of your brethren failed to bring Me, before the Chastisement, because they chose to live for satan. Certainly, I shall greatly suffer their elimination from Earth, but I will remain with you, the chosen ones, those who are Light, as My Son, and thus everything will return to being Peace, Harmony and Love among men.

The joy you will bring Me, My Little ones! You shall sing hymns of jubilation with the Angels in Heaven. You shall praise My Holy Name, you will live in gratitude for being chosen, cared for, and indulged upon by My Love, in order to live a New Kingdom on Earth. See how not everything is suffering and evil, that is what satan brings; what is Mine, as the Good Father that I am, is Joy, My Love, New Life, a True Life that Satan can never give you.


Therefore, live joyful and happy, and with a life filled with hope, in knowing that I will fulfill all these Promises to those who live to share with your brethren, the Love that My Son left you.

Thank you, My children.