Jul 15_15 Ask Me for one important thing, My children: to never succumb to pride.

Evening Rosary.





  • Be My faithful instruments and let Me move you, for your own good and that of your brethren.
  • Sometimes certain souls are so distracted that they practically never, in their lifetime, ever realize why they came down to Earth; they settled on working for material gains and produced no spiritual fruits.
  • Observe My Presence in all the little children around you, I truly abide in them; guard their body and soul, fill them with spiritual life, fend off satan’s attacks against them for as long as possible, that they may keep their innocence for a much longer time, and speak to them of My Love.
  • Let yourselves be moved by Me and I shall lead you into experiencing holiness even while still living among mankind, and My children, ask Me for one important thing: to never succumb to pride lest you lose all that has been hard-earned.
  • You shall hear of disasters all around you and you shall see these too. This is how satan shall try to take away your peace, but My Holy Angels shall surround you and watch over you too and lead you down safe paths.



Message from God the Father, The Baby Jesus, and Our Lady of Mount Carmel to J.V.


First Mystery. God the Father speaks.

Theme: Be My faithful instruments and let Me move you, for your own good and that of your brethren.
My children, satan cannot remain where there is Light or where it is generated. Those who are with Me reproduce My Light, My Light lives in you and when you are a good example, an example of life, where I am guiding you, you produce Light that ends the reign of darkness that surrounds you.

Satan is completely aware of those souls who are producing Light and he attacks them. That is why sometimes you experience difficult days, days when everything goes wrong, when you begin to wish that you had never left your home, because of everything going on. It is satan who spoils your day and undermines your spiritual and emotional stability.


I have told you, My little ones, to feel happy when this happens in your life, because this is the way satan retaliates against those who bring Light into his domain. He is the prince of this world, but a world of darkness, a world of evil, a world of error, a world where there are fights between brothers and so many other negative things that man can produce, when they are filled with satan’s evil.

Those who produce Light are continually attacked, but My blessings also descend upon you much stronger, more powerful and My Love protects you from satan’s hatred.

Many times you have been protected from serious situations and you never realized it. I protect you because I am your Father and I love you. You are carrying out My Will and I must protect you and because next to satan, you are weak, and you continuously forget that you have Me, your God, from whom to take whatever you need to protect yourself, and this is why I need to anticipate your actions and thoughts, and protect your body and soul against his attacks.

There is much evil around you and you can see how it has been increasing worldwide. I have mentioned several times, that you cannot walk alone, you need Me to protect you, to guide you, to give you instructions, so that you know where to go, which way to go and remain continuously protected against satan’s attacks.


There is much love missing on Earth, much of it has been lost, and that is why you are working on My, your God’s, behalf, to restore what has been lost, to give comfort to those who are lonely or who do not feel that their life is worthwhile, because you are living in satan’s domain. Without Faith, they remain confined by their negativity and there they remain without the will to fight and work, to have a strong spiritual life and especially, to work for My Kingdom.

Understand, My children, that those who have been chosen have a greater responsibility before My Eyes, because many of your brethren will never be aware of what you are doing for Me, your God. You must communicate with Me internally and frequently, do not look outside yourself, look for Me inside you, there is where I abide; from within you I guide you, I lead you down safe paths and I provide you with instructions, so you may produce the fruits you need to give to your brethren. You have noticed several times, when you have counseled any one of your brethren, that you are not even aware of what you said, and when later on they come back ever-grateful for the advice you gave them, and you cannot remember what it was you said, it is because it is My Holy Spirit Who speaks through you and helps your brethren.


That is why you are told in Holy Scriptures that when you are presented before a tribunal you should not worry about what you need to say because the Holy Spirit will speak for you, in other words, Divine Wisdom shall crush satan’s lies, spoken by those who accuse you.  

Do you now begin to understand your mission? Are you are being guided and possessed by Divine Life? This term of possession may sound strange, but, remember, that I have asked you many times to surrender yourself to Me so I may possess you, and thus, attain perfection, because it shall be I who will speak, think, live and love through you; this is the greatest union that a creature can have with God. Let Me move you and you will see a change in you. It shall be I, through you, Who gives your brethren the Wisdom, Love and many other great things.

Be My faithful instruments and let Me move you, for your own good and that of your brethren.
Thank you, My children.

Second Mystery. Our Lady of Mount Carmel speaks.

Theme: Sometimes certain souls are so distracted that they practically never, in their lifetime, ever realize why they came down to Earth; they settled on working for material gains and produced no spiritual fruits.

My children, I am your Holy Mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary in My Advocacy of Mother of Mount Carmel, Our Lady of Carmel.

My children, in all My Advocations, I appear to bring to all of you, the Love of My Son.

A mother always feels proud when presenting her children, when they are little, to their friends and relatives. They are shown off because they are beautiful, well cared for, growing up well, etc. But in my case, acting as if I were an earthly mother, I also show off My Son, My God, The True Love. What honor God, Our Father, bestowed upon Me by choosing me to be the Mother of His Son!

I most certainly do not boast about this, but share with you this enormous Grace of Our God of having chosen Me, and I share My Son with you, that you may receive countless Blessings, as He longs for it to be so.


Certainly I have manyAdvocations ,but this has been so I could present Myself in each region and country in the world, in the manner in which I might be best accepted by your brothers, in each of those places. So it is that I am trusted completely and I am able to reach their heart much more quickly and present My Son, your God, to them so they may grow into perfection.


My children, for all of you, I am your Mother; and just as My Son gave Himself for you, I also give Myself to you, certainly not in the violent manner in which He did, and which I suffered in union with Him, but I continue to give of Myself, reaching out to your heart, helping you to reach a genuine change -from the deepest recesses of your being-, that you may avert the evil that surrounds you and attract the Divine Good that all must possess, through the action of My Husband, the Holy Spirit of Love.

Yes, My Little ones, you are called to be possessors of the Love of Our God, there is no wealth comparable in the entire universe to the Love of Our God. He who holds the Love of Our God needs nothing else; that is Heaven, possessing the Divine in your soul.

When you are missionizing on Earth, you may not perceive it, but all your good Works are leading you towards possessing the Love of Our God.

If you are instruments of Our God, you will close the existing gap between the Heart of Our God and your heart. You will slowly unite as your deeds grow in Love, so that at the end of your existence and, following our purification in Purgatory, you may become One with the Love of Our God, for all eternity.

I, as your Mother, am watching over your mission on Earth. I take you by the hand, lead you, protect you and help you grow and, thus, I am slowly introducing you to Our God, so that at the moment when He decides that He wants you back in your Eternal Abode, you are ready to fully possess His Love.

Unfortunately, satan has been leading you into spiritual destruction and very few souls seek to perseveringly live for Our God. Overall, satan places unending distractions in your path so you may falter and delay you in finding and focusing on your mission: to win more souls for His Kingdom. 

Sometimes certain souls are so distracted that they practically never, in their lifetime, ever realize why they came down to Earth; they settled on working for material gains and produced no spiritual fruits.

This is a great misfortune for Heaven; it was the loss of the lifetime of a soul who failed to do the Will of the Father. What a sorrowful situation for that soul when it finally stands before its Creator, our God!

Let Me, your Mother, move and protect you, so that you do not have to experience this very shameful situation before our God, at your individual judgment, in which all the souls in Heaven will be watching you. Let Me move you, I am your Mother and a Mother advises her young, with loving and practical advice, which in this case is Divine advice, and guides them throughout their existence, into bettering themselves.


Live, then, completely for our God and your gift will be great in the Kingdom of Heaven, because to live for our God is to live for the salvation of the souls of your brethren. Bring many souls to eternal salvation and He will grant you a favored place in the Kingdom of Heaven.

I love you, My children, Thank you, My children.

Third Mystery. The Baby Jesus speaks.

Theme: Observe My Presence in all the little children around you, I truly abide in them; guard their body and soul, fill them with spiritual life, fend off satan’s attacks against them for as long as possible, that they may keep their innocence for a much longer time, and speak to them of My Love.

My children, I am the Baby Jesus. I could have definitely appeared before the world without having to go through the experiences that all human beings have to go through in this world: being born, growing, giving fruits, and then dying. I wanted to be a Child, and to show Myself to mankind as such, as a normal and ordinary child, but an Exemplary Child, a Good Child, son of a Good and humble Family, which certainly did not stand out much among the people. However, those who knew my parents rejoiced in their advice, in that life of Love that we lived in Our Home, a life of peace, totally surrendered to God, albeit, few were those souls who came to our home and appreciated this life.

Remember that there was much spiritual darkness in those moments in history. When I began to live among mankind I brought the Light to the World, I brought Divine Wisdom and I made It visible. When I stood before the priests –when I was apparently lost but in reality commencing My Mission-, it was only then that they began to perceive Me.

The simplicity in children attracts the Gaze of the Father; I chose to be simple, so you could make use of My example.


Satan has taken from you that simplicity, purity, and innocence, your children are not who they should be, they are completely affected by satan’s attacks from a very young age. Indeed, My Heart aches because of this for few are those children who draw near to Me once they lose their innocence and their childlike kindness. It does not matter at what age they begin to acknowledge Me, when the soul is good, simple, and humble, when he has been taught to love Me, he will love Me at any stage of My Life: as a Child, as Redeemer, at the age when I brought the Word of My Father, My Martyrdom, My Death, My Resurrection. At any stage of My Life, those souls who are good: love Me, seek Me out, respect Me and grow.

I like to make Myself known to mankind as a Child, so they return to that moment of spiritual innocence; I touch the innermost fibers of their heart and they become responsive when I make Myself known as a Child, and once touched by My Presence, many souls change immediately.


Observe My Presence in all the little children around you, I truly abide in them; guard their body and soul, fill them with spiritual life, fend off satan’s attacks against them for as long as possible, that they may keep their innocence for a much longer time, and speak to them of My Love: of how much I love you, how I gave Myself in Sacrifice for you, how I continue to give of Myself for humanity and the whole universe, I, the Little One, your Infant God, but immense in Wisdom, Power and Love. I make Myself known as an Infant so that your heart may allow Me an easier entry, and once I abide in you, I may transform you and make you live a life of a child, so you may be great in My Father’s Eyes.

I love you, My children, be as little children.

Fourth Mystery. God the Father speaks.

Theme: Let yourselves be moved by Me and I shall lead you into experiencing holiness even while still living among mankind, and My children, ask Me for one important thing: to never succumb to pride lest you lose all that has been hard-earned.

My children, allow My Holy Spirit to take hold of you, transform you into true children if Mine.  


Mankind inevitably attempts to keep its “self”, its personality; few are those who heed My Will. Whether you want to or not, your actions are filled with pride and you lack the necessary Wisdom and humility to completely abide in My Will.

Even as you abide in My Will, I do not shackle you as satan does -he who restricts your freedom-, no, you are bound to My Love, but with absolute freedom to turn away from Me whenever you so desire. This is the difference between being shackled by satan, who practically does not allow you to move about freely. He suffocates you, he does not allow you to think and determine if the situation towards which he is leading you is convenient for you or if it is best to turn away.

Instead, even as you are with Me, still bound to My Love, you still enjoy absolute freedom to be with Me or to turn away from Me.

Those souls who have tasted Me, who have turned away from their “self”, who have allowed Me to prevail upon them, reach their sanctification more easily than when a soul wants to keep its personality, and although these souls might search for Me, by not abiding in My Desires and Will, they take much longer to get to where I want each and every one to reach.


Happy are those souls who heard My Call, who heard those Secrets of Love and allowed Me to prevail upon them, so they would become saints among your brethren; you realize that they are with Me because of virtue or by the virtues of their actions. Yes, My children, the soul that is with Me is a virtuous soul, a soul filled by Me, a soul that knows how to behave among his brethren, a soul from which love always flows, a soul in which both you and I, your God, can trust, those souls that are faithful and cleansed.

Let yourselves be moved by Me and I shall lead you into experiencing holiness even  while still living among mankind, and My children, ask Me for one important thing: to never succumb to pride lest you lose all that has been hard-earned.

Thank you, My children.

Fifth Mystery. God the Father speaks.

Theme: You shall hear of disasters all around you and you shall see these too. This is how satan shall try to take away your peace, but My Holy Angels shall surround you and watch over you too and lead you down safe paths.

My children, I have told you that in Love there is no fear. Even in Holy Scriptures you can read what has been written for these times: that you shall hear of wars, disasters, evil, but this is My Time, and if you are with Me there is no need to worry about what might happen all around you.

On many occasions I have shown you My Power when faced with destructive events, in which your brethren were not harmed because I decided to protect them. You must trust Me completely, My little ones, and even if I were to ask for your life, you must also trust that I can give it back. Did not My Son raise many from the dead and bring them back to life? Why do you doubt? Why do you fear, if I can do it all? Your mission, as I have said many times, My little ones, is to save souls, produce love and destroy satan’s evil and the death of a soul.  

How many of your brethren are dead, though alive! Their body lives, but their soul is dead! The soul is not with Me, but with satan, with the World, it is a worthless soul, a soul that I hope may change and return to Me; but there are so many souls who no longer want to listen to Me, so they need your earnest prayer.

Satan will try to take away your peace by causing enormous, massive disasters all around you. You will be tested severely and these shall cleanse you and so you may learn to be grateful for My care, My Love and the many blessings granted and for which you never gave thanks nor appreciated.

Undoubtedly, the trials you need to conquer will make you aware of what you had, and you will come to realize how: I protected you, gave you all that your body and soul required, and which the vast majority of this generation did not accept.   

I am an Omnipotent God and My Kindness is Omnipotent, and I have cared for and coddled each and every one, I have guided you along so you might trust Me and not feel defeated by your mission on Earth. That you might realize that I am with you every step of the way and I support you so you might fulfill everything I ask of you.  

You shall hear of disasters all around you and you shall see these too. This is how satan shall try to take away your peace, but My Holy Angels shall surround you and watch over you too and lead you down safe paths.

These trials shall be strong, but admittedly not all shall experience the same trials, because not everyone has the same spiritual capacities, and each shall give according to what they have received.

I am patient with souls, I allow them to grow, but I guide them so that at any given moment their growth will no longer be slow, but fast, and these are the times when you must grow at great speed because the time of the great trial draws near. Over time, many who have been prepared are My Daughter’s, the Blessed Virgin Mary´s, army and you will fight vigorously against the forces of evil. Indeed, your mission has not been fully revealed, so your pride would not flourish, but My Holy Spirit shall descend and give you the Wisdom of what you are to do, according to what you have earned over time.

You, the chosen ones, have opened your heart and even as time passed by, you did not draw away from Me, you did not grow weary of My Promises, My Wisdom, My Words, as many have done; they grew tired of waiting, they let their guard down, and satan may possibly destroy them.

When I say “they let their guard down”, I mean to Say that they preferred the World, they grew tired of waiting, they no longer believed in the Prophecies being given to prepare you for those difficult times that are at your door, and once they grew desperate, they chose instead to serve satan, becoming one with the World, following the things of this World –according to them-, enjoying the World.

Remember, your time is not My Time and this is how I test the souls. A “soon” for Me does not mean the same to you because you live in time, you are limited by time and I Live in Eternity and I have no limits; take this into consideration. When I say that Time has ended, as I have said before, I mean that you are now in the Time, in My Time and that your time now coincides with Mine.


So then, prepare, My children, trust in Me and do not become frightened by what satan may say to you or by what he may surround you with.


Death is not an obstacle for Me, I can give you back your Life, you are frightened by death that will come at some point so you can be completely with Me in the Kingdom of Heaven, but I repeat, if I want you to die and I wish to bring you back to life, to enter into the New Times, I will do so, I have the Power to do so, trust Me, I am your God and I love you.

Thank you My children.