Jul 09_15 You shall suffer and weep when you no longer have My Divine Nourishment.

Evening Rosary


  • My children, My Church! My Church! How corrupted it has become! It is spiritually in ruins. So much indifference! She has been infiltrated by so much evil!
  • There is only one family, I created it so, with one man and one woman, so that from it, in procreation, humanity would multiply; all that, which is outside of My Design, is against Me.  
  • You must realize, My children, that when the one suffering from a mortal sin repents and confesses his sin, I pardon him through the priest and the evil no longer exists, because I forgive and you must act in the same manner.
  • Many believe that there is still time before satan’s onslaught, he is already upon you; understand this, he is already upon you, you are already fighting, he is already destroying souls, nations, he is already destroying your brothers everywhere. How are you going to protect yourself?
  • The suffering you shall experience will not be comparable to what My Son accepted for your redemption, and what I allow to happen in your life will be for your purification, that you may enter into the New Kingdom you shall have.



A Message from God the Father and Our Lord Jesus Christ to J.V.

First Mystery. Our Lord Jesus Christ speaks.

Theme: My children, My Church! My Church! How corrupted it has become! It is spiritually in ruins. So much indifference! She has been infiltrated by so much evil!

My children, My Church! My Church! How corrupted it has become! It is spiritually in ruins. So much indifference! She has been infiltrated by so much evil!

I sacrificed Myself completely, for Her. My Precious Blood gave Her Life and continues to do so, but I remain in the Martyrdom that took place more than two thousand years ago. I continue to suffer beatings, torture, being nailed to the cross, blasphemies, evil hurled against Me and those who follow Me.

I left you the symbol of Love, I left you My Life on Earth, You can partake of Me, You can eat My Body and drink My Blood, I am with you, truly Alive and you do not appreciate My Sacrifice and the Offering of Myself.

So many attack Her, there are many, who at first, drew near to Her to draw Life from Her and have now turned against Her, and attack and despise Her, when to be with and in Her provides Life for everyone.

My Church has been plundered, economically and spiritually. They have taken advantage of Her. There are no fruits to be had that can grant a great number of ministers a life of sanctity, to which they are called, because they must be saintly as their Founder Is.


I am your God, Christ, Who died for you. I gave My Life for you so those who followed Her, would take of My Life from Her, and continue My Life on Earth. Now, few are the ministers you can consider saints, who live in the Truth, proceed with Wisdom, are trustworthy, and authentic. 

There are so very few, who have not been defeated by satan’s insinuations and have not sold out to what he has offered them. There are so very few, who through wisdom and sanctity, are truly attracting the faithful.


Satan has done his work well, he has destroyed My Church and not even the ministers or the faithful have done much to defend Her.


She will definitely, be restored and when it is so done, you shall kneel before Her once you see Her magnificence, because all will see My Holy and Divine Presence.

You, the lay people, have also allowed much evil to infiltrate Her, because you lack a life of prayer, a real life, a spiritual life, taken from this Divine Institution.


You ask Me for much and demand even more, you now lack many things in the World because I am testing you, but you seek only the worldly goods. What will you do once I take the spiritual from you? It is when you shall experience the true emptiness of your soul; it is when you shall understand My Feelings on the Cross, when I experienced Divine abandonment.

You shall endure as I endured; you shall suffer as I suffered, and continue to do so, but you shall too experience a moment of repentance, of profound repentance. You have grievously injured My Heart.  

You have repudiated what I, with Love, created for you. You do not respect this Divine Monument that I created for you and in which I am Alive, awaiting your arrival: when you visit Me, either to fulfill your duties or to talk to Me about your needs, triumphs, or just your daily life.

You shall suffer and weep when you no longer have My Divine Nourishment.


You have caused Me so much pain, so many times, when you have approached to receive Me with mortal sin in your heart!

You turn to Me only to ask Me for or demand of Me, worldly goods, when in fact what you need is spiritual growth, and now, you are suffering worldwide.


Behold, many times I foretold that this and what is yet to come, which is much more serious, would occur if you did not react and mend your way, but you did not care.


I am, your brother, I am your God, turn back to Me, My children, while there is still time, make good use of it, repent wholeheartedly and I shall hear your prayer and you shall receive my forgiveness.


Pray, pray, for all of humanity, for all of Creation, because what you can now see, soon, you will no longer see.


Great changes are coming; all that I shall give you will be for your own good. What you will have to suffer will be to eradicate the evil you have in your heart, and to purify the evil that you have inflicted upon Me, and to My Sacred Heart.


Pray for My Church, which is your Church, ask Me for Her purification, implore Me to return and live among you. I shall be with you until de end of the World: so I promised, so it shall be. But I ask you: Do you really wish for Me to be with you? Why do you not summon Me? Because I do not see nor feel love in your heart towards Me and you do not respect My Church and what I have placed in Her. Are you truly ready to live for  all eternity with Me?

I bless you, My children, and may My Precious Blood purify and sanctify you, so be it.

Second Mystery. God the Father speaks.

Theme: There is only one family, I created it so, with one man and one woman, so that from it, in procreation, humanity would multiply; all that, which is outside of My Design, is against Me.  

My children, there is only one family, I created it so, with one man and one woman, so that from it, in procreation, humanity would multiply; all that, which is outside of My Design, is against Me, against My Word, and My Desires.


Satan, the great deceiver, has led you into accepting, and indeed, imposing situations entirely different to what I created for the good of mankind.

All that comes from Me es Good, Holy, Beautiful and always has the purpose of sanctification.

When you do as I ask, and I will always ask respecting your free will, it will lead you to a life of sanctity.

I have told you many times and My Son repeated it during His public Life, of how much I love children, and knowing this, satan uses it to attack Me as he has done throughout the centuries.

Satan attacks My little ones, and prevents them from coming to life or destroys them spiritually. In both cases, those babies die.


He who dies because he was not allowed to come to life, will not bear fruit on Earth, but will do so for the Heavens, because of his sacrifice, but those children, already grown up, who are led down the path of darkness, evil, and corruption, are killed spiritually and are affected for life.

In Holy Scriptures, it states that the punishment for those who destroy the life and spirituality of one of My little ones, and I now repeat it: for those who attempt against the children, be it by either taking their physical life or spiritual life, or both, it would be best if they had not been born.

You are living a tremendous spiritual destruction; Satan has led this generation into neglecting Me, into not respecting My Laws and My Love. For many of your brethren, it seems old and obsolete, improper and unrealistic to talk about these things.

In one of the last messages I gave you, I was telling you how mankind has taken charge of creating his own laws and no longer respects Mine, and how it is now that you are seeing the results worldwide. All that man is suffering because of his laws, which he has created to “surpass” Mine, and yet you are living worse than Sodom and Gomorrah; you have corrupted life, human life and spiritual life and you believe you are better than Me! How naive! What fools you are! I am your God, you do not have My Wisdom, you do not know your past, you do not know the future and you let yourself be enticed by the evil in someone who wants to destroy you, by any means.

Surely, your eyes, your minds, are veiled to the Truth because you have not searched for It nor have you asked Me for It, simply because you are not interested.

You cultivated evil and you are now reaping the fruits, and you shall suffer. Definitely, there are brothers of yours who have strived to live a life of good and all those who have stayed by My side shall receive Wisdom, so you may enjoy what My Truth is and what I have always wanted for you all. You shall be called My children because you are part of My Family and thus, those families who have fought to remain in My Sanctity, saints they shall become and they shall join the great Holy and Celestial Family and rejoice in living as a family. While those who have scorned what it means to live in a true family, shall reap and suffer the evil that they cultivated.

Those who were given an alleged life and growth will turn against those who destroyed them physically and spiritually, and these, I repeat, shall suffer what they cultivated in them.

Remain as a family, My little ones, so that one day you may come to live with your true Family, in the Kingdom of Heaven.
Thank you, My children.


Third Mystery. God the Father speaks.

Theme: You must realize, My children, that when the one suffering from a mortal sin repents and confesses his sin, I pardon him through the priest and the evil no longer exists, because I forgive and you must act in the same manner.

My children, sin is truly an illness of the soul and as such, you should view your brothers. When you feel ill or you begin to feel ill, you do not feel well, you feel feverish and weak, and all you want to do is sleep, because your body needs rest, to recuperate.

The soul also becomes ill, especially when it does not have good defenses. It also suffers, aches, and feels unwell in My Sight and yours.

Perhaps those around you do not know of interior suffering, of the mortal sins they might have, but you truly suffer when you commit a mortal sin, because you know that I know what you have committed. You feel ill; you isolate yourself from the rest because you do not feel comfortable being around them.

You do not spurn those who are ill, unless they are suffering a contagious disease and you do not go near them.

In your soul you must realize, My children, that when the one suffering from a mortal sin repents and confesses his sin, I pardon him through the priest and the illness no longer exists, because I forgive, and you must act in the same manner. Because, who are you to judge, when and if you find out the mortal sin that they have committed?

With this you are afflicted frequently, My children: you criticize and judge your brothers, as if you had the authority, when it is I who hurts immensely because of the sins you commit, especially, when they are mortal sins, and even then I forgive. However, you, who generally do not suffer for your brethren’s mortal sins, accuse and criticize them even though they have already confessed their sin and have been forgiven by Me.

Learn, My children, to be more Charitable with your brothers, because the evil they have committed you probably have committed, more than likely, several times, and no one has accused you.

Pray, pray for your brothers who live in mortal sin and pray too, for yourself, so you may not commit the sin of criticizing and of accusing your brothers, when you have no right to do so.

Thank you, My children.


Fourth Mystery. God the Father speaks.

Theme: Many believe that there is still time before satan’s onslaught, he is already upon you; understand this, he is already upon you, you are already fighting, he is already destroying souls, nations, he is already destroying your brothers everywhere. How are you going to protect yourself?

My children, do not fall into pride and allow yourselves to be driven by lies, and I tell you this so that you do not minimize satan’s power, his attacks, his cunningness, his desire to destroy you all.

I have repeated often times, that he was an archangel and you cannot even imagine what that means: that he is far superior to you. You enjoy mocking him, minimizing him and believing you are superior to him. Individually, this is not so.

If you unite with Me, as I have often repeated, with My Help and that of My Daughter, the Blessed Virgin Mary, you can defeat him and more so with the aid of Saint Michael the Archangel and the Archangels in Heaven, who certainly, are superior in strength to him, who was the most powerful and beautiful of the archangels.

Yes, My little ones, you live in great error by mocking and minimizing your enemy, and that is due to lack of Wisdom.

Imagine that you are in the battlefield and are about to begin a battle against an extremely powerful army, and you believe that with your small army you are going to defeat an army that is perfectly and well armed, which knows what it has to do to defeat you.    

Your pride will destroy you, because you failed to measure your strength and that of your enemy. What you are experiencing is a reality, spiritually; I repeat, if you are alone, satan can easily crush you. You came down to Earth to serve Me, to work for Me, but in order to work together, and with Me, your God, protecting you, then certainly, yes you can finish him off. Fighting on your own with your selfishness, pride, ingenuity, he will crush you, as he has crushed many throughout history.

You came to serve Me, I asked you to do so and that is why I gave you the gift of Life, let us then fight together, My little ones, and ask Me to give you what you need in order to  defeat your enemy, who is formidably strong. In Holy Scripture it is written that if I do not shorten those days, even the elect would not be saved. With that, you are made to understand the power of your enemy.

We need to fight united; you came to life for Me and you must return with Me. Never leave My Side, My little ones, less so now, in the midst of the fight in which you already are. Many believe that there is still time for before satan’s onslaught, he is already upon you; understand this, he is already upon you, you are already fighting, he is already destroying souls, nations, he is already destroying your brothers everywhere. How are you going to protect yourself?

Ask yourself this question deep inside. Ask me to grant you the Wisdom that you do not have, so I can equip you and you can crush him, but always keeping humility in your mind and in your heart, knowing that without Me, you are never going to beat satan by acting alone. The triumph will be attained through the union of yourself with your work, with your humility, your simplicity, with the desire to please Me and with My and My Daughter, The Blessed Virgin Mary’s Power, whose time is now, to defeat the power of satan. Humility, My little ones, so you may defeat him; he who is arrogant par excellence.
Thank you, My children.

Fifth Mystery. God the Father speaks.

Theme: The suffering you shall experience will not be comparable to what My Son accepted for your redemption, and what I allow to happen in your life will be for your purification, that you may enter into the New Kingdom you shall have.

My children, await with expectancy the forth coming dawn, the True Light will soon arrive, prepare for this new day.

You, here on Earth, have different days, not every day is the same, some days you await with eagerness and joy, because some important event in your life is going to take place and so you await it with joy.

You most certainly know when that day is to come, but the Grand Day you do not know, but you will begin to, intuitively, as you live the events as they come; these have already begun. Remember that after the storm, comes the calm; the storm has begun. Remember that the biggest tribulation man can experience is in his soul and not the body.

I have mentioned that the body is only a wrapping and the soul dominates the actions of the body.

Your soul is troubled, you are living a Worldwide and Universal tribulation, prepare your soul for these events; those who are with Me, have been prepared, it has been indicated, albeit still in a veiled manner, how these upcoming events will develop. Prepare and assist your brethren in preparing.


This generation has never ever suffered anything resembling what is on its way.


Prepare so you may form a strong blockade of prayer against satan’s attacks. I shall guide you, I shall protect you, I shall indicte to you what you need to do, so that satan does not crush you.

Rejoice as of now My Great Triumph, which will be yours, too. Pray for those who will not witness this triumph even though most do not deserve to do so.

You shall live My Triumph, the most beautiful things I have prepared for you.  The suffering you will experience will not be comparable to what My Son accepted for your redemption, and what I allow to happen in your life will be for your purification, that you may enter into the New Kingdom you shall have.

You shall suffer but always remember, that after the suffering comes great joy and as I have mentioned, it will be as if delivering a baby that you want so much. The mother suffers during labor, but that pain is forgotten when the baby is held in her arms, and in this case, you will hold Me, your God, completely, in your heart.    


Rejoice, rejoice in this existence that you will receive in your lifetime, starting now.
Thank you, My children.