Jul 02_15 You are My disciples of these times, My apostles, who shall help Me

Evening Rosary.




  • I ask you to unite with your brethren in the Communion of Saints, lean on them lest you falter; do not feel distressed by what may happen to you.
  • Give me comfort, My Little ones, My children, and bring me many souls, those who are confused and do not know which way to go.
  • All souls belong to Me, I have created you, and as the Father and God that I am, I want you to be perfect, and the purification leads you to perfection.
  • I abide in you, My Holy Spirit abides in you, and even though you might bring Me good deeds, feats that you performed and that before the eyes of man seemed to be good, your intention was not.
  • Wherever I am there is Peace, and that is what I want you to convey to your brethren, especially during the coming moments of great tribulation.



Message from God the Father to J.V.

First Mystery. God the Father speaks.

Theme: I ask you to unite with your brethren in the Communion of Saints, lean on them lest you falter; do not feel distressed by what may happen to you.

My children, at some time or another, I have spoken to you about the Communion of

Saints and you have reached the point where you need to strongly rely on your brethren, so that they may provide you with shelter through their prayers and intercession, because you shall suffer severe tribulations in your World and you will need to remain calm, and, above all, let Me guide you.

Your brethren, in the Communion of Saints, have too, suffered greatly. They offered Me their successes, and their pain and suffering, too; they triumphed because they abided in Me and that is why they are with Me.

You are also called upon to return to the Kingdom of Heaven but, not all souls survive the trials and I want you, My little ones, to reach out to Me, your God and Lord, at every moment. I am the Only One Who can help you prevail over this tribulation that you justly deserve, but which in part, satan will make even grander and more painful.

Either way, you must experience your own tribulation, after which, continue on to the next phase of your life and soul.

I ask you to unite with your brethren in the Communion of Saints, lean on them lest you falter, do not feel distressed by what may happen to you, which although beneficial, you too will suffer and many shall wander from one end to another.


Stay, stay with Me, My Little ones, fully confident, and I assure you that despite whatever happens, you will feel full of peace and trust, in Me, your God.  

Second Mystery. God the Father speaks.

Theme: Give me comfort, My Little ones, My children, and bring me many souls, those who are confused and do not know which way to go.

My children, you see how past and painful situations are repeated throughout the history of Christianity. You are living in times of sorrow; those who are with Me and belong to Me, who live in this World, but are not of this World, should rejoice, My children, because you are my support in these times of spiritual tribulation.

My Son suffered for each and everyone; His Public Life was painful because most of the time, it was a life of rejection, attack, and confusion.

The lack of love among human beings, is repeated again and again against Me, your God.


It is incomprehensible how, I, your God, Who wants the best for you, is repaid in the manner in which the majority repay Me.

Certainly, many of your families suffer this situation, too, at the hands of their children. The parents may give their best to their children, yet many of them grow up and turn against their own parents. There is rejection, attack, rudeness, and tribulations at home. As foretold in Holy Scriptures, satan has managed to turn the parents against their children, and the children against their parents, when it should be the opposite. Children should thank their parents for the goods received throughout their lifetime, which makes it possible for them to become someone in life. Moreover, the parents help them to multiply the gifts, virtues, skills, that I bequeath, to better help your brethren, by using what you have received from Me, and so you may feel fulfilled, but thanks to your parents help; Bear in mind that what you do to the family you do to Me. In general, few, very few of the parents and children, the human race, can be considered true children who keep Me in their heart, thank Me, trust me blindly, like children. Those who try to do nice things to make Me forget so much evil, rudeness, contempt, and so many other things I receive from Earth, when from Me, no one –observe-, not a single one, has ever received something evil from me, your God. You cannot reproach Me, because only Love, Goodness, care, has gushed forth from My Heart for you, and still, you repay with so many negatives things.

Original Sin stained you heart, but I have never abandoned you, because you can rely on My Grace and all the Gifts My Son gave you, so that you might fight against the evil that you have been suffering through out time. However, few are those who try to fight and improve, to be called My Children.

You give me much joy, those who I can call My children! What joy, what gladness you give Me and I am filled with happiness when you return to the Kingdom of Heaven, at the end of your mission on Earth!

Forge ahead, My children, My true children, I will continue to rely on you to lead this world away from the levels of evil to which they have risen; for they opened their hearts to the enemy, the fallen angel: he who does not love you and who you foolishly follow.

Give me comfort, My Little ones, My children, and bring me many of those souls who are confused and do not know which way to go.


Ask me for whatever you want, My children, because I trust you. Receive My Blessing and Support, as Father and God.
Thank you, My children.


Third Mystery. God the Father speaks.

Theme: All souls belong to Me, I have created you, and as the Father and God that I am, I want you to be perfect, and the purification leads you to perfection.

My children, no matter how the events occur, lean on Me always, lest you surrender.

Scripture mentions being tried and tested, but it is not just at the end of your existence when you are going to be severely tested. I try and test the soul throughout its lifetime. From an early age, you are tested and that is what begins to shape and build your character to either be with Me or to despise Me.


All souls belong to Me, I have created you, and, as the Father and God that I am, I want you to be perfect, and the purification leads you to perfection.

Purification does not happen only through painful situations, there is also purging through Virtue, through moments in which you could have done good and you did not, or when you did something good or gave away something you liked; all this takes place throughout your existence. Sometimes there is pain, sometimes there is joy and this leads to higher levels of virtue, so you can respond to any type of event, as would I, your God, if I were among you, for, in fact, I Abide in each and every one of your brothers.

I have asked that you see Me in your brethren. When you have truly grown in virtue, you begin to see Me in your brothers, and you truly feel like a family; that is when you really begin to treat each other as family. You begin to share all that you have spiritually and financially; you help one another because you share what you have with your brethren. The goodness you bring to your brethren, with whom you have shared what you have received freely from Me, gives you pleasure. This is how you go about making a family, a Heavenly family on Earth.


The family is so important because you care for one another, when you truly love, and cleansing exists in the family, too. You grow in virtue, all the while you are caring for your brothers, but there are also painful moments that purify you. These are trials you suffer because I want you to care for one another, and what a better way than to begin with those who live under the same roof, from the same parents, who trust and love one another.

Let Me cleanse you, because from whatever trial I send you -that I allow in your life-, you will always grow spiritually. If you let Me guide you, through My Divine Wisdom, you will see that even if you suffer difficult times, you will know that I am allowing it to happen in your life, for your perfection. Moreover, as the soul reaches perfection, it feels joy and its joy is based on how much you have allowed your soul to open up to My Presence in you.

Your spiritual horizon widens the more you raise yourself up to Me. The more you come to know Me -because I let Myself be known by those souls struggling to improve-, the more you love Me, and when you love Me more, you realize you need Me more. And, that happens in the Kingdom of Heaven, when you reach the end of your existence and you have made an effort to withdraw from the World and lift yourself up to Me, your spiritual horizon expands more, and more and more.

The soul has infinite capabilities because it comes from Me, I, Who am Infinite, and the growth you derive is the Consciousness of My Divinity, and that gives the soul immense joy and that is the joy you will have, My children. The more you get to know Me, both on Earth and in the Kingdom of Heaven, the more you will revel in Me, because that is how Love is: the more Love you have, the greater the joy.


Let it be your desire to return to Me, My children, to be with Me in the Kingdom of Heaven, so that you may rejoice with your brothers, whom are already with Me, in My Presence, in My Company, and all the gifts I give to you I shall continue to give for all eternity.
Thank you, My children.

Fourth Mystery. God the Father speaks.

Theme: I abide in you, My Holy Spirit abides in you, and even though you might bring Me good deeds, feats that you performed and that before the eyes of man seemed to be good, your intention was not.

My children, throughout your lifetime I too have provided you with innumerable opportunities to grow in Love.

Perhaps you are unaware when you are young, as to what My Divine Plan is for each soul.  You know you will be judged at the end of your mission when you stand before Me. How much good have you done? How much evil did you do, too? Had you been aware of this truth since you were little and you truly loved Me with all your heart, you would not waste a single second of your life without performing a good deed and accumulating that good to display proudly before Me, to enter easily into your Eternal Abode.

Certainly, evil is all around you, the prince of this world does not allow the souls to do good and you need to fight hard against evil, that is why I reward you generously, because when you do good, you do so despite being under satan’s heavy attack.

I observe you throughout your lifetime, I see the worthiness of the souls and their intentions, because man surely knows how to lie, he knows how to get others see him in a certain light, while his intentions are otherwise.

I abide in you, My Holy Spirit abides in you, and even though you might bring Me good deeds, feats that you performed and that before the eyes of man seemed to be good, your intention was not; it was only for appearance sake, when the whole time you sought something else that was going to truly harm someone.

Man’s heart is so complicated! So much so, that quite often, even you do not seem to understand yourself. How is it possible that you cannot do good when you want to do so, and everything that you wanted to do, ends up being an evil thing that you did not want to happen.


That is why I look at the intention of your actions, and this, only I, your God, can know, because I abide in you.

My children do not waste any opportunity to do good, to take Me to others, because that is doing good. You could not do any good if you had not first, allowed Me, your God, to abide in you. Your flesh, the sin that dwells in you, makes you continuously stray from the path, and it is My Grace and My Presence in you, that helps you bring forth good into your actions, words, and intentions.


Allow Me, then, to abide completely in you. You will perform those good deeds, and despite it being My Grace that works in you, so you may produce good, I shall reward you for the good done as if you had achieved it on your own and I had nothing to do with it. That is My Love. That is My Infinite Mercy. I give you all the credit for your good deeds, despite that it is I Who guides you into fulfilling them.
Thank you, My children.

Fifth Mystery. God the Father speaks.

Theme: Wherever I am there is Peace, and that is what I want you to convey to your brethren, especially during the coming moments of great tribulation.

My children, be people of peace. My Son, when he lived among you, when he arrived somewhere, the first thing He would say to others was: “Peace be with you”.

You have many times experienced peace, but the Peace that comes from Me, My little ones, overfills the spirit. That is the peace you should desire always for yourself, and what you should be requesting, for your brethren.


Peace is the first thing that satan takes away from you, so that you remain troubled, thinking of an infinite number of things and not in Me, your God. When you remain in Peace you can meditate better; anything you do, you do so with great care and it turns out to be better.

Peace leads you to many virtues and these lead you to holiness. There is no saint that you know of who did not convey peace to those around him. Peace comes only from Me and is conveyed through those souls who Live Me, and you are called to do so, My children.

You are living on Earth to present Me to your brethren.

Satan is filling your world with adversity and you see all the time, in the people around you, what you hear and see on the news, in all current events underway. Afflictions, problems, evil, attacks, all this pains you and takes away your Peace.

Can you see how it is that satan works around you and through you? I say this to you to show you satan’s plans, to reveal how he attacks you and where it is that he wants to lead you.

When you experience hardships, you become filled with problems, you create problems in your life and you create problems in the life of your brethren; everything turns into chaos.

However, when My Peace lives within you, you produce an atmosphere of tranquility, kindness, caring. You rest better, you enjoy being with your brethren at your side, and they enjoy your presence, because you maintain a stable and good attitude.

There is Peace wherever I am and that is what I want you to convey to your brethren, especially during the coming moments of great tribulation. You need to bring Peace to your brethren, who will not know what to do in these times of tribulation. If you safeguard Peace within of you, I shall be better able to communicate with you and yours, and with your brethren.

Satan is preparing to unleash much evil in your World that is why I need you to completely abide in Me, your God, so that My Might may pass from Me, through you, and your World will be inundated with My Presence.


Do not ask how it shall be achieved, just let Me guide you. It is almost like opening a hose, you open the faucet and water comes out, with little or much force. The hose is still the same, it does not change, but what comes out of it does; that water is what makes everything different, clean, it brings life, it makes everything better.

My Grace shall come forth through you, to change this World. Be My perfect instruments, you will rejoice in the words that come out of your mouth, in the works and miracles. You are My disciples of these times, My apostles, who shall help Me bring about the impending change and just as I trusted in My Son’s apostles, I now trust the apostles of these times. I need total humility from you; it is I Who shall work through each and every one,  do not take ownership of anything, you are instruments, be humble, so I may easily guide you.


My Love remains with you and yours.

Thank you, My children.