Jun 25_15 My Son’s Church: man fails to defend the Divinity of this Institution.

Evening Rosary.





  • I have come to rescue the Church, My little ones; I, your Mother, the Ever-Virgin Mary shall crush satan’s head, stop his evil deeds and purify the Church.
  • Thank Me, My children, for the goodness you have received and will receive; I placed My Heart in yours and you cared for It and so I thank you, My Children, your gift shall be great, My Life and yours shall be one.
  • All shall in brief time, end; My Church shall be purified, sanctified, you shall be given Divine Knowledge, Holy Discernment, the veil shall be lifted from your eyes and you shall truly see the Gift I left for you on Earth, Divine gift, that very few appreciate and for which thanks are rarely given.
  • Push onward, My children, seek protection under the mantle of My Daughter, The Blessed Virgin Mary, Her triumph is definitive and you shall be at Her side, she shall crush the head of satan and you shall rejoice in the New Kingdom that I shall grant you.
  • in the parable of the workers in the vineyard, it does not matter whether you have hardly worked or that you might have practically wasted your whole life; the short time you have left be My worker, give yourself to Me and save My souls, bring Me joy, My children, give Me your love.



A Message from God the Father, Our Lord Jesus Christ, and the Blessed Virgin Mary to J.V.



First Mystery. The Most Blessed Virgin Mary speaks.

Theme: I have come to rescue the Church, My little ones; I, your Mother, the Ever-Virgin Mary shall crush satan’s head, stop his evil deeds and purify the Church.

My little children, I am your Mother, the Ever Virgin Mary and I come to you to accompany you in prayer, to pray for the Church that My Son founded. Satan knows the value of this Divine Institution, and so, he has attacked it from the beginning, but the Promise of My Son is that he was not going to be able to destroy it and that She would exist until the end of the world, and thus it shall be, My little ones.


Unfortunately, it is man who fails –that which is Divine remains. Mankind’s lack of Faith leads man into seeing only the man and not the Divine, and criticizes My Son’s Church because of the actions of man and fails to defend the Divinity of this Institution.


Undoubtedly, you are prone to criticism. You see only the evil that surrounds everything, especially, in these times when satan has managed to stir up much negative actions within the Church, and thus, criticism shall destroy the sanctity of many priests, of many of My beloved sons, who have maintained Her through the strength of prayer, a life of Grace and, at times, extreme suffering.


I have said that prayer is most powerful and I have asked you incessantly for prayer throughout My Apparitions. Pray, pray for my priests, My beloved sons. There are many who need your prayers, who need your support, and you must care for them, so that through them, you may receive the Sanctifying Graces of the Sacraments. Much love you must hold in your heart and above all, that you may come to better understand the priestly life and thus understand satan’s forceful attacks against the Church, by leading a life of prayer.


She is being continuously attacked by satan; he wishes to destroy Her from Her foundations, but he shall never achieve it. Observe how She is attacked: lacerated by him, through those who follow satan and are responsible for criticizing the Work of My Son, because of the actions of some priests who have entered this Divine Institution to wreak havoc with the evil deeds they themselves enact, in order to make the faithful believe that, truly, this Divine Institution is crumbling –this is not so, My Little ones.


These are times of warfare, times in which you are seeing how everything spiritual, everything Divine, is being severely attacked and many of your brethren are losing Faith, love towards God, in his Holy Trinity. This is why I have come to rescue the Church, My little ones; I, your Mother, the Ever-Virgin Mary shall crush satan’s head, stop his evil deeds and purify the Church.


Join Me, My little ones, with your good example, with your prayer, your life of Grace. That you may be an example to your brethren and to the whole world that the Church is alive, and that from Her, you obtain Divine Nourishment that gives you life and helps you grow, and remain hopeful in a future and eternal life with our God and Lord.

Thank you, My children.


Second Mystery. Our Lord Jesus Christ speaks.

Theme: Thank Me, My children, for the goodness you have received and will receive; I placed My Heart in yours and you cared for It and so I thank you, My Children, your gift shall be great, My Life and yours shall be one.

My children, many of you are still not aware that the Sacraments are the greatest Gifts of all, of the need to live a Sacramental life to achieve Divine gifts, obtained by living according to My Laws.  


My children, to revel in the Sacraments is something wondrous for the soul, and I insist, it is a tremendous and spiritual joy that the soul experiences when I can embody you, through the Sacraments.  


Throughout your lifetime, you have experienced difficult moments, sometimes sinful or gravely sinful moments, and this makes you feel bad inside. At times, you may come to feel that those around you are able to see the state of your soul, and it might make you feel the desire to withdraw from everyone so they may not see you, so that they remain unaware of the state of your soul.


I have given you the Sacrament of Penance and through this Sacrament you may return to Me and I shall cleanse your soul of all sin, and you may continue to enjoy the Gifts I bestow upon you.


When a priest, in My Name, forgives your sins, you feel a wave of relief. How many times, have you not left the confessional smiling, knowing My Presence has cleansed you of all sin? That is a great joy, the first joy for the soul, I might say, because in Faith, you are experiencing My Grace purifying your sins. However, the next greatest of joys is when you receive Me in the Holy Eucharist.


When a soul is growing and is on the path to perfection, with My Help, it begins acquiring the grace of feeling My Presence, of Living Me, of enjoying Me. Thus, the soul rejoices in My Presence, it cries tears of joy, noticeably enjoys My Presence within, laughs, rejoices immensely because it has reached a higher state, because it has sought this greater state, because it has used all its strength and desire to Live Me.


You, yourself, have seen the manner in which many of your brethren receive Me, when the priest gives you My Body. How many of them, have you noted, actually receive Me in recollection, rejoice in Me, stay a while to speak with Me and truly enter into the depth of their heart and converse with Me, even if briefly? On the other hand, many, many of your brethren receive Me as part of the ritual, because it is part of the Holy Mass, but not because God will be entering into the deep recess of their being to communicate with each one.


These and all the other Sacraments lead you into a mystical life, a life of profound love, a spiritual sensibility, that I give to those souls who seek sanctity. He who seeks Me shall find Me and he who finds Me, lives Me, and he who lives Me rejoices intensely and transmits his joy. In Scriptures you may read how the early Christians were an example, they were different from the rest because they lived Me, rejoiced in My Presence in them, that is the transformation that those of you who seek Me, shall experience: this is what I have spoken to you for months and years.   


You have given your part, you have searched for Me, I have shown Myself to you and soon, very soon, I shall Be among you. Thank Me, My children, for the goodness you have received and will receive. I placed My Heart in yours and you cared for It and so I thank you, My Children; your gift shall be great, My Life and yours shall be one.

Thank you, My children.


Third Mystery. God the Father Speaks.

Theme: All shall in brief time, end; My Church shall be purified, sanctified, you shall be given Divine Knowledge, Holy Discernment, the veil shall be lifted from your eyes and you shall truly see the Gift I left for you on Earth, Divine gift, that very few appreciate and for which thanks are rarely given.

My children, the World is in this state because satan has managed to make you stray from prayer and a life of Grace.


The scandal that has befallen My Church is part of satan’s plan, because most definitely, many persons who are not really priestly ministers have infiltrated Her, and this Masonic plan has driven many faithful away from prayer, as they watch the scandals that these persons, who do not belong in the Church, provoke.


This is the way of mankind: a tendency to generalize and draw away and not realize this because Holy Discernment is not requested in order to understand how satan attacks all that, which comes from Me.


He has cunningly made you turn away from prayer, because you see only the bad things that are happening in My Church, but you do not rise up to defend most of the priests who are good and are on My side. Thus, by failing to pray for them, you leave them adrift and satan viciously attacks them, and many of them fall because they no longer have your protection that prayer gives, nor the offering, in their favor, of your Masses and Holy Communion.


You must understand, My children, that you live in the Communion of Saints and that you must protect each other. You must understand that satan wants to destroy all that is Divine, so that you are no longer able to receive the Nourishment that I have left for you on Earth. If he destroys My good ministers, what will you do? You are truly in the midst of a war, a spiritual war. How are you protecting yourselves against satan, a very real enemy, who attacks you? How are you protecting your Church leaders? So many missionary priests who seek to win souls for the Kingdom of Heaven; many who are murdered or fall into the clutches of satan, who ensnares them by making use of their own weaknesses for women or vices that satan himself places before them to divert them from their ministry.


You do not stop to think about these realities and you lose; you lose leaders, leaders of the Church who defend you with the Masses they officiate, with their prayers, with the gift of themselves, with their penances. You ought to thank each one of them for what you receive with each Mass that is officiated around the World, because every Mass that is officiated bestows Graces on all humanity, and for this, you are not grateful.


You should be more aware of what the life of the Church is, how you must care for each other, how you ought to put aside criticism and of how you must give more to prayer, prayer for protection, prayer for life, prayer of thanks.


Surely, all shall end in a brief span of time; My Church shall be purified, sanctified, you shall receive Divine Knowledge, Holy Discernment, the veil will be lifted from your eyes and you shall truly see the Gift I left for you on Earth, Divine gift that you seldom appreciate and for which you rarely give thanks.


Ask me to teach you to love this greatest of Gifts you have in your midst, and protect your priests and ministers of My Church, nuns, and all those who seek to live for Me, in My Love.
Thank you, My children.


Fourth Mystery. God the Father Speaks.

Theme: Push onward, My children, seek protection under the mantle of My Daughter, The Blessed Virgin Mary, Her triumph is definitive and you shall be at Her side, she shall crush the head of satan and you shall rejoice in the New Kingdom that I shall grant you.

My children, this is the time of War between the Woman and the serpent, and those, who are with Me, are aware of this truth. With satan, trying to destroy everything that comes from Me, while you, who live in his domains and are attempting to bring Light, the Light that My Son brought for you on Earth and that you have assumed as a way of life, find yourselves under attack, as My Son was attacked.


My children, you must remain in the Light and be the guiding Light for many who still live in darkness. My daughter, the Blessed Virgin Mary, is bringing into the fold, all those who are seeking and living the Teachings of My Son.


The World is convulsing, you can see how Nature is rebelling against man; satan knows that his time is up and is therefore using and manipulating nature against mankind and all of Creation.


Many do not wish to accept this truth, they invent things to remove worth and truth from what you are experiencing. They find support in saying that these are cyclical situations, that occur from time to time, but what you are not seeing is that what you are now living has gone far beyond all reality, of how you had been living.


The seasons themselves are affected and you no longer have the climate in season that you used to have. Crops are perishing; the fish in the sea are dying by the thousands from disease; and diseases are worsening for man and animals alike.


The atmosphere is no longer the same, you can all sense that something has to happen, now, something severe, and not even then do you fall on your knees to ask Me for help and forgiveness for your sins, your offenses, your omissions.


The entire universe, too, is convulsing because, as I have told you, the purification is Universal. Satan affected everything with the rebellion that occurred in Heaven, and from that point on he has not respected My Creation.


Although you know this to be true, you have done virtually nothing to stop the forces of Satan, and that is why, what you are living, will become more severe, more painful.


I shall protect you because you are My children but, surely, as I have said, not all will remain in your World, because not all are a good seed from which to pursue a new generation. The World continues, but not all will remain in it, many, many souls will be eliminated from Earth because you failed to learn how to serve Me or how to give of yourself fully for your brethren; you cast aside the Divine Nourishment which is Love.


Yes, My children, you did not properly seek nourishment and you did not bring nourishment to your brethren by your example, with your sacrifice, with your prayers.


I am Love and those who follow Me, must also be full of My Love. The Kingdom of Heaven is a Kingdom of Love and all those who dwell therein, live My Love fully.


So much time has passed since My Son came to Earth to explain what Love is and how you should have led a life of Love, to eliminate what satan also sowed centuries ago and which man pursued: hatred, malice, fraternal strife. My Son brought you change and gave you the spiritual weapons necessary for man to change, become better, be sanctified, and you chose to ignore Him. You persisted in the evil that Satan had sown among men and you could have lived Heaven on Earth with the Exemplary Life and Teachings that My Son gave to you, but that you were unwilling to take; you abandoned and despised them.


I have given you enough time to reconsider your error, so that you might have taken all these Teachings of Life and spiritual growth, and you failed to do so; you trampled on My Love, and continue to do so.


Certainly, some of you, despite all the evil that you have within your heart, have taken the Divine inheritance that My Son left you. Truly, you are living a mighty war, a war that is taking place, too, throughout the universe. A war between the Woman and the serpent and all those who are on the side of the Woman – who are you, those who took the of the best and who are with My Son and My Daughter, The Blessed Virgin Mary–, My Daughter, My Child,  shall lead you in the final victory against the forces of Satan. Rejoice, My children, for She shall lead you down the safe path, protect you against satan’s attacks, as indeed, you have felt Her protection in the past. You yourselves are witnessing the separation of Good and evil. You are witnessing how, on the one hand, evil is growing, while on the other hand, albeit still hidden, is Good, that will soon become evident to all the inhabitants on Earth. 


My daughter, the Blessed Virgin Mary, will head this army of souls who have chosen to live in Good and who are Light and Love. Indeed, as I have said, there is still sin in your heart, but Love is overpowering evil, while the vast majority have let evil engulf them and do not fight for the Good you have chosen. In the end, everyone reaps his reward.


Push onward, My children, seek protection under the mantle of My Daughter, The Blessed Virgin Mary, Her triumph is definitive and you shall be at Her side, she shall crush the head of satan and you shall rejoice in the New Kingdom that I shall grant you.

Thank you, My children.


Fifth Mystery. God the Father speaks.

Theme: As in the parable of the workers in the vineyard, it does not matter whether you have hardly worked or that you might have practically wasted your whole life; the short time you have left be My worker, give yourself to Me and save My souls, bring Me joy, My children, give Me your love.

Come to enjoy, blessed of My Father, you who sought what is Good for your soul and for yours. Come, My little ones, raise your eyes, lift up your soul to your Creator. A Divine life awaits you, the Grace of God descends upon you, it shall illuminate you, and you shall rejoice in the Good you shall receive. You will understand many things that before were concealed from your mind, your reason, to your way of life.


The Light of the Holy Spirit shall enlighten consciences and you shall know the good you did, the evil you did, and that, which knowing you should have done, you failed to do for the well-being of yours.


I wish to speak to you now, My children, of the omission you have committed towards your brethren. All of you upon the face of the Earth, were given gifts and abilities to fulfill a mission, a mission of love.


These gifts and abilities were given to you freely, and freely you should have shared them with your brethren.


Many of you have taken advantage of these gifts and these abilities to attain material wealth, and although you shared them with your brethren, you did not do so out of love, but to achieve earthly goods, at times, excessively so, and thus, because of your selfishness, these became unattainable to your brethren.


Have you not read in the Holy Scriptures, that you should set your heart first on the Kingdom of God and all these other things will be given you as well? Every one of you, have received My graces, gifts, abilities, that originate from the Kingdom of God, These come from Me, My little ones. Surely, I know that you live on Earth and that you need for all these things be given to you as well, so that your body is protected with food and dress, but you have erred your way.


Every one of you has graces and spiritual gifts to share with your brothers, you share them in love and in return, you receive the grace they have to help you with what you are missing, and when this is given and received in love, it allows you to live the life of the Kingdom in Heaven.


But satan has deceived you and led you to seek all the other things in an unhealthy manner, with an exaggerated need to have, to possess, to spend on earthly goods; you feverishly seek the earthly goods and you forget the spiritual element.


It became an omission if you did not give in love: it is the sin in which you failed to share what is not yours. All that you have is a Divine loan for you to share what your brethren did not have, and in exchange, you could receive what you were missing. You did not partake in that exchange of goods loaned out to you, so you could lead a life of sharing that would create love among you. You failed to do so and instead, you obtained a material gain, at times exaggerated, as I mentioned, and by this manner, you did not live a life of love, but of convenience, by taking advantage of your brethren.


So much evil has grown in your hearts, because satan has led you into the deepest depth of selfishness! You did not give, you did not share what does not belong to you; you took possession of the gifts that are not yours and you failed to share them with your brethren, when by doing so, you would have acquired a higher place in the Kingdom of Heaven, closer to My Heart.


Satan knows of the Goods I can give you, which are lived in the Kingdom of Heaven, and he knows this perfectly well because he once lived there. Because of his selfishness, Satan wants to prevent you from entering into the Kingdom of Heaven because he does not want you to enjoy what he will never again be able to enjoy.


You have become as selfish as he is, arrogant, filled with pride, seizing the gifts that are not yours.


You should have been My instruments, instruments of love, and if you meditate on your lifetime, on how you have led your life, you will realize that My Love seldom appeared during your existence. You sought more the earthly goods of the world; you sought out your “self”, so you grew wealthy in terms of earthly goods and did not cultivate the Heavenly Goods.


Now do you realize what you have lost, what a waste your life has been?


You had access to the Knowledge of Life that My Son gave you, Divine Life, Life of Heaven and you did not listen. What a waste! Your life is worth more in terms of how much you allow what is Mine, to embody you; the more of Me there is in you, the more worthy your soul is before My Eyes.


Look back on your life. How much of Me embodies you? How much of what My Son taught you remains in you? How much of what My Son gave you for free have you given to others? Do you realize how gravely you have failed? You were given Life so you would be a source of joy for the Heavens! In most cases, in My Eyes you bring shame and in the eyes of the souls already in Heaven.


What a waste of time! You use it to seek banalities that do not prepare you to stand before Me and joyfully present Me your spiritual triumphs and bring Me, your God, joy looking at a soul who has complied on Earth; instead, you stand before Me with your eyes lowered, attempting to hide, because you bring Me next to nothing worth boasting about.


What a waste of time! I who trusted you with the Gift of Life, and What do you bring Me? Practically nothing.


Make use of the brief time that you have left and make the best of it. Do everything you can, so you may stand before Me with gifts that bring Me Joy, that make Me rejoice in having given you the gift of Life and knowing that you have been good children; children of the One God, Whose wish was to fill you with love, to share with your brethren.


Take advantage of the fact that you still have the gift of life, My little ones; you still have time to reach the Kingdom of Heaven. As in the parable of workers in the vineyard, it does not matter whether you have hardly worked at all or that you have practically wasted your whole life; the brief time you have left, be My worker, give yourself to Me and save souls, bring Me joy, My children, give Me your love.
Thank you, My children.