Sept 30_11 Your prayers are powerful in the presence of Heaven.

During the Holy Rosary at the Hour of adoration (7 pm).


  • Your soul is protected by My Heart.
  • Never cease praying; do not forego your good and beautiful desires for My redemption to be fulfilled throughout the Earth.
  • An examination of conscience becomes the greatest of graces for those who love Me.
  • When you are united with the prayers of the Heavens, My little ones, when you invite the communion of saints, you are rejoicing spiritually in the joy of the Kingdom of Heaven.
  • Wisdom in essence is: that when you ask Me for perfection, you let yourselves be moved by My Will.


Messages from God the Father to J.V.


First Mystery, God the Father Speaks.
Theme: Your soul is protected by My Heart.
My children gaze at the bleeding Heart of My Son and gaze at Mary’s Heart, at My Son, My Jesus, your God; onward My little ones. Your soul is protected by My Heart. Onward, My little ones, for your prayers are powerful in the presence of Heaven. Onward, My children, and may your example follow the example of My Son on Earth. I love you, my little ones, I love you.


Second Mystery, God the Father Speaks.
Theme: Never cease praying; do not forego your good and beautiful desires for My redemption to be fulfilled throughout the Earth.
My children, you do not realize how much joy you give to Me when trustingly you draw near to Me. You beseech and grant Me the opportunity to bestow My Blessings upon you, over those whom you pray for, over all of mankind. My little ones, if the souls could truly understand the joy you give to Me when you draw near to Me with Faith, and above all with Love, My heart, filled with that joy, would overflow in abundance, but it is man himself who blocks Me. When mankind does not draw near to Me with trust and love, he impedes My salvific work; My work of redemption, but most of all, the abundance of blessings that I desire to bestow on all of humankind is limited, for there is no one beseeching these blessings. Few are the souls that come to Me to pray for their brethren. Indeed, you draw near and selfishly ask just for yourself and perhaps even for your kinship, but for no one else. Are we not a family? Are not those who live in other regions or countries your brethren? We are a family and Love must unite us, My little ones, you should draw near to your God filled with trust, and through prayer, draw all of mankind much closer to Me. I have told you before that even when you, individually, are unable to achieve great things for Me, your prayers in union with Me, your God, can accomplish great things. Prayer united with Mine, which is redemptive prayer, can help many souls return to Me, for I shall touch their hearts in one way or another, My children, because I love you all and you hold within you the duty to return to your heavenly abode. Therefore, My little ones never cease praying; do not forego your good and beautiful desires for My redemption to be fulfilled throughout the Earth.

Pray, pray wholeheartedly, pray in communion with Me, with your God, and most importantly, pray with faith and with unabated trust that you will obtain, for you and yours, that which you ask for, because I know your hearts and they are filled with love and I can deny nothing to those hearts that love and that above all, tend to the needs of their brethren –whatever those needs may be. When you truly love, you desire for your brethren to have all that they need and for them to lead a dignified life because you are all My children; but specially pray for a change in their spiritual life. There are so many spiritual voids, and so many who have gone down the wrong path. Pray for all of them, pray even for those who believe themselves to be far superior to Me, for they have chosen paths, down which satan has deceived them in such a manner that they have become filled with pride, to such a degree, that they believe themselves to be far superior to you and most specially to Me, your God, because they are able to attain things which you, as human beings, are not yet prepared to receive. Pray then for those souls who have been deceived because they can lose the Kingdom of Heaven.
Thank you, My little ones.

Third Mystery, God the Father Speaks.
Theme: An examination of conscience becomes the greatest of graces for those who love Me.
My children, My little ones, you must grow spiritually. I will tell you the best way to go about it: by acknowledging your sins in humility. Yes, my little ones, it truly is the best way, because you do not want to ask forgiveness for that which you are aware you have done. When you draw deep within your soul and perform an examination of conscience, of your acts, your thoughts, your words; when you tell Me the mistakes you have made and bring these before Me, your God, for them to be forgiven, at that moment you are acknowledging your mistakes, your failures, your sins and everything that afflicts My Divine Heart; at that moment, you, My children, are acknowledging yourselves as sinners, but as sinners you are acknowledging your weaknesses, weaknesses that will ennoble you. When you know that you have acted wrongfully and you ask for forgiveness I will grant you the necessary strength so that you can fight against those faults that you are humbly acknowledging, and for which, on the other hand, you are asking for My Mercy to never commit these again.

This is why I have asked you time and again to continuously perform a profound, humble and very personal examination of conscience, solely in My, your God’s Presence, and thus, I, with My Love, shall forgive you for I cannot refrain the outpour of My Blessings over those souls who in tears beseech Me and who with their heart in their hand, ask for My forgiveness.

Yes, My little ones, I love those souls who know to ask for forgiveness and ask for My help for their perfection. That is how performing an examination of conscience becomes the greatest of graces for those who love Me; because you cannot grow if you are not humble enough to recognize yourselves as sinners and know that you can receive from Me many blessings for your perfection.

Enjoy those intimate moments shared with Me through your personal examination and little by little, I shall lead you into that perfection of life.
Thank you My little ones.

Fourth Mystery, God the Father Speaks.
Theme: When you are united with the prayers of the Heavens, My little ones, when you invite the communion of saints, you are rejoicing spiritually in the joy of the Kingdom of Heaven.
My little children, you are in the World, but are not of the World. Heaven in its entirety is with you. If only you were aware –when you are before Me and in wholehearted prayer–, of all that surrounds you, you would be amazed and rejoice immensely: angels circling around you, all of Heaven uniting you in their prayers, uniting everything, My little ones, in one voice, the voice of Love in Prayer.

When you are united with the prayers of the Heavens, My little ones, when you invite the communion of saints, you are rejoicing spiritually in the joy of the Kingdom of Heaven and, I repeat, you do not fully rejoice as you should because you are still living on Earth. But you will later come to realize, once you are in the Kingdom of Heaven, just how much a soul can truly do and of all that surrounds you when you are united in joint prayer with the communion of saints: I shed Myself in Blessings over you, on the Heavens, on purgatory, on all those for who through your prayers are made present; uniting you all, My little ones, and hence in one voice you are reaching My Heart and thus, the entire Universe will be purified.

I have such great need for your prayers, My little ones, and of your union in one voice, because you must live in Unity, just as We are United in the Trinity. Unite then, My little ones, so that the entire Universe may be united as it once was before original sin: all united with Me, your God and Our Holy Trinity.
Thank you My little ones.

Fifth Mystery, God the Father Speaks.
Theme: Wisdom in essence is: that when you ask Me for perfection, you let yourselves be moved by My Will.
My little ones, I ask that you strive for the perfection of your acts, of your life, of your mission on Earth. Ask Me for Wisdom as I have asked you to do so previously.

Truly you need to be perfect because I have asked it of you and My Son reminded you to be so too: that you be perfect as I, your Father, Am Perfect. You must also ask for wisdom and Wisdom in essence is: that when you ask Me for perfection, you let yourselves be moved by My Will. That is Wisdom, My little ones, because I Am the Perfect One. If you learn to come to Me, to ask me what you must do and then follow My instructions that I, as the Perfect Father give to you for your life on Earth, you will be at that moment acting wisely, correctly, and this will lead you towards perfection.

When you need to achieve something and you do not have the answer, you usually go to someone who you know can guide you, advise you or chase away any doubts you might have, because you know that that person knows more than you and will help you get out of that predicament, whatever that problem may be. My little ones, who else but I, your Father, can give you the Wisdom regarding anything on Earth? I know everything perfectly for I created it. So then, come to Me, so that you can solve anything that may arise in your life.

When you ask Me for advice or guidance, your acts will be perfect and I repeat: because I Am the Perfect One. Come to Me filled with trust, whatever your problem or need. I know mankind, for I created all. I know their weaknesses. I know their strengths. If you follow Me, through My instructions and in My Will, your perfection will be assured.
Thank you My Children.