Evening Rosary



“May the Love of the Holy Trinity enfold, protect all that is visible and invisible, all the souls, all of creation, against all that satan has defiled and has led into evil”.


  • The events have already begun and will continue until the entire Earth is purified, it is My Promise and so it shall be. 
  • Satan has entered into the most Holy place and has devised it so that by changing the Consecration, there is no transubstantiation into My Blood.
  • The Earth in its entirety shall be purified, it is time to fall down on your knees, My children, it is time to ask for forgiveness, it is time to ask for Mercy, the time is here.
  • Help Me, My children, to fight against all evil that has disseminated throughout the Earth; I need your help, I need your support; you are My children, you are My family.
  • My Justice shall be benevolent with you, with My true children, and you shall most certainly rejoice in My Justice and you shall call upon it to purify you because you shall know that you need it in order to stand in My Presence.


Message from God the Father to J.V.,

First Mystery, God the Father speaks, 
Theme:  The events have already begun and will continue until the entire Earth is purified, it is My Promise and so it shall be.
My children, Love comes to renew the whole earth; that is My Promise. I have told you so for a long time and those souls who have persevered shall win, much as in the days of Noah, who warned of the floods and few, just his family, were those who persevered because they believed in My Words. 

In these times, My children, you have also received warnings for a long time, so that you would prepare,  and if you understood  what I was saying, with your prayers, with the gift of yourself, you could have lessened the events, but you tired of waiting and returned to your past life: a life of sin, a life without the Sacraments, a life without prayer, a self-centered life, where I exist no longer, you no longer come to Me, you make a life on your own and you are not with Me. Well, My children, as of now I forewarn you of the most powerful events, as they have been announced. 

It started to rain heavily, but those men did not believe that the rain would continue and now too the events shall unfold, as I had announced that the events of purification would come one after another and continue to heighten. 

Those were the floodwaters and they purified the Earth, now these disasters and the fire that shall come from the Heavens shall also purify all souls. It shall be a renovating fire, cleansing all souls and cleansing the Earth.

You have attacked what is Mine; you have distanced yourself from My Laws and above all, from My Love. Do you believe, My children, that I can continue enduring your mockery and above all, you indifference towards all that comes from Me, all that which is Mine, all that I was willing to give to you to ensure your eternal salvation? No, My children, I am your Father, I am your God, I love you infinitely and you, as disobedient children that you are –and many of you evil because you have made pacts with the enemy–, will endure your chastisement, but it is a fatherly chastisement and you must accept it as such.

You must accept that the chastisement is due to your errors and with humility accept it, so that I might have mercy on you, because if you stay firm in your arrogance even at the moment of chastisement, My Ire shall be greater against you for your mockery will continue against Me and you are no one to mock Me, your Creator.

These are times of purification where the obedient and righteous souls, those souls that are united with Me, love Me, accept My Commandments, accept My instructions of Love, will survive. These docile, meek, and humble souls are those that will inherit these New Times, where the chosen souls will be gratified. The evil souls filled with pride will not enter into My New Kingdom on Earth, they shall be eliminated, but if they were to repent from their sins and evil, I shall be Merciful and they will not be lost for all eternity.  

I repeat once again, no one believed Noah until it began to rain, and in these times many have not believed My warnings given to you through My chosen children throughout the World, who have forewarned you with ample time for you to effectively change your behavior to Good. The events have begun and will continue until the entire Earth is purified, it is My Promise and so it shall be.

Second Mystery, Our Lord Jesus Christ speaks,
Theme: Satan has entered into the most Holy place and has devised it so that by changing the Consecration, there is no transubstantiation into My Blood.
My children, I had already asked you to go about blessing everything in your path (speaking in tongues…), so that all that you blessed, people and things, everything created by Me, visible and invisible, would return to Me. Now I am asking you, My children, that you enfold everything with My Love.

My Blood which was given for all, through the Masses celebrated around the World, should be perfectly purifying everything and hence My Blood should be protecting and purifying all of mankind. But, you know that satan has entered into the Holiest of places and has devised it so that by changing the Consecration there is no transubstantiation into My Blood, and thus, the wine remains as such, and My Blood is not available to continuously purify the whole of mankind.

That is why I am asking all My children, those who are with Me, to enfold the entire Earth with My Love, and I ask for it in the following manner, My children: “May the Love of the Holy Trinity enfold, protect all that is visible and invisible, all the souls, all of creation, against all that satan has defiled and has led into evil”, repeat it continuously, My children and this way My Love shall protect the entire Earth.

Certainly, My Blood continues protecting you, but not to the degree that it should, My children, but My Love shall protect you and this way, you will wrest power away from satan for he is powerless against My Love and he will not be able to destroy everyone and everything that is Blessed and protected by My Love.

I offer you all of this, My children, from the simplicity of My Heart, so that you may see that it is through the most simple acts that the greatest things may be achieved and that will bring about the change –as I have told you before and I repeat once again; it is My Love that you should draw near to you and yours.

That is why you must continuously repeat what I have asked you to repeat: that My Love enfold and protect you and yours and you shall quash satan’s power.

I love you My children; bring unto Me and to eternal salvation, many, many souls through My Love.
Thank you My children.

Third Mystery, God the Father speaks,
Theme: The Earth in its entirety shall be purified, it is time to fall down on your knees, My children, it is time to ask for forgiveness, it is time to ask for Mercy, the time is here.
My children, I, thy God and Father, am guiding the events. Yes, I, Myself, am watching that nothing gets out of hand, even though satan may wish it so and seeks to provoke it into doing so. Those who are with Me do not need to worry; certainly he wishes to attack the good souls and destroy them, all those souls that are still persevering, those souls whom have taken My Words within their hearts and treasure these deep in their soul, with respect, with tenderness, with love. How is that you would believe, My children, that I would allow the severe events of the purification to fall upon you? I am a Just God, Kind, and Merciful; I cannot treat a good soul as I would an evil soul.

That is why, in My Infinite Mercy, I forewarned you a long time ago that this time would come to be, so that everyone would prepare, everyone, all the inhabitants of the Earth; you were forewarned long ago so that My Promises, warnings, My Words, would reach the whole World, because I Love you; and hence you would have enough time to truly change internally and that change would abate or cancel the events and you would ensure a safe position in My Eyes, when facing My Divine Wrath, when facing My Justice, against everything and everyone that is against Me.

My Love has poured out and continues to do so for all mankind. It poured forth throughout all times. My Mercy reaches good an evil souls: in the good souls it produces a superlative growth, beautiful, a purifying growth; and in the evil souls, with hope that once My Grace reached them, it might make them reflect upon and change their behavior, but in many souls this has not been so. These souls will not be able to say that I was unjust because they were given much time; all souls had access to My Words from everywhere, to My Warnings, to My Love, but they remained deaf; their hearts closed off to My Love. I respect their free will, but My Justice shall strike down upon them and they will receive what they have earned, because that is what they have chosen.

On the other hand, those souls who lend their ears and let My Words abide in their hearts will be rewarded by My Infinite Mercy.

If you sought out what is Good you shall be protected by that Good and you shall see My Mercy upon you in these times of tribulation, meanwhile you shall watch as My Justice strikes down upon those souls that refused to be with Me.

My Blessings are unrelenting and I continue to give you time, but you have reached the limit, the time is upon you, you are now in the midst of the events and these shall continue to worsen day by day. The Earth in its entirety shall be purified, it is time to fall down on your knees, My children, it is time to ask for forgiveness, it is time to ask for Mercy, the time is here.
Thank you My children.

Fourth Mystery, the Blessed Virgin Mary speaks,
Theme: Help Me, My children, to fight against all evil that has disseminated throughout the Earth; I need your help, I need your support; you are My children, you are My family.
My children it is I, your Mother, the Ever-Virgin Mary (speaking in tongues…) I am with you, My children, and with all who have sought the Love of My Son.

I protect you, My children; watch Me as I stand above all nations on Earth. Watch as these rays of Love that come from Me, are projected from My Hands, protecting all nations. I am with you, My children, I watch over you.

You have reached the moments of the Great Battle, but you are with Me, My children, My Motherly Heart watches over you and protects you, but I do not wish for you to leave My side that you not part from My Heart.

My children, I ask you at these moments that from now on you make a greater effort in your life to stay pure, to seek your sanctification, and help your brethren by example so that they too may seek to live according to how My Son pleadingly asked you to live; for your spiritual growth and to lead a life filled with Love, where My Son’s real Presence indwells, because when a soul seeks perfection, seeks to live in love and purity, My Son indwells in those souls and there is no greater and most beautiful gift that a soul can have than to have God residing at their side –Infinite Love.  What more could you want, you who are so little? To have God indwelling, is an immense gift and I am telling you how you can obtain it. Fight against yourself, against all that can take away purity, the love in your heart, primarily the love for your God and then the love for your brethren.
My Son spoke only of Love, you have this schooling in Love and all you need to do is follow it, My children. You have not fought hard enough to obtain the enormity of what My Son gave to you. You are wasting much of what you could still obtain of you give more of yourself. Enormous spiritual gifts await you but you must fight for them.

You know from the world, the battles you must lead to obtain what you need; in the Spiritual world you must also fight even though, certainly, the Grace of God is given freely and continuously and you receive it, but in order to keep it within you, you must fight for it so that you do not lose it, because Grace cannot inhabit where there is sin and if Grace is given continuously, when you seek sin and allow it to enter into your heart, Grace departs; you are being disrespectful, you are sullying His Grace, you are not valuing its worth and so it departs from within you, for it cannot coexist with evil that of your free will accept to enter and inhabit your heart.     

My children, you can see the gravity of the events all around you and I am not speaking just about the destruction of the people on Earth, but of spirituality of your brethren. You can see how true spiritual values are no longer sought and that is more destructive than watching buildings and homes collapse.

Most certainly it is painful as it does Us too here in Heaven; it hurts to see the pain caused by the disasters to the population and nations, but it hurts even more to watch a soul condemned because it allowed satan into their heart.

Observe the souls, My children observe the souls on Earth, do not look at the physical aspects, what your eyes can see; observe the hearts of your brethren, watch how they behave, scrutinize them and see their spirituality and you shall notice how your world is today. You have withdrawn love from it, you have removed a life in God, you have surrendered your world into the claws of satan. You have not fought to maintain My Son’s Inheritance, all His Love, all His Teachings, all the spiritual life that He left you. You have not protected this Divine Treasure, satan has wrenched it from you, and now, satan has taken possession of your souls. Your souls were created to be filled with love, good works, beautiful things, holy things. What have you done with your soul, My children?  Instead of being a transparent, pure, and spotless recipient in the Eyes of God, you are now a garbage can; horrifying, dirty, pestilent; that is the state of the soul of many. There is no transparency, you cannot transmit anything worthwhile because there is nothing good inside you but even then, despite all this, My children, My Son continues to seek you out and I continue protecting you, I am above all nations continuously protecting them against satan’s attacks, caring for everyone, awaiting your conversion. Come to Me, My children, these are My Times, the times of a Mother who loves you infinitely and Who is fighting arduously against satan’s force.         
I love you immensely, help Me, My children, to fight against all evil that has disseminated throughout the Earth; I need your help, I need your support; you are My children; you are My family; let us fight, My children, with the Love of Our God. I love you My children, thank you, thank you for your love.
Thank you My children.

Fifth Mystery, God the Father speaks,
Theme: My Justice shall be benevolent with you, with My true children, and you shall most certainly rejoice in My Justice and you shall call upon it to purify you because you shall know that you need it in order to stand in My Presence.
My children, it is but a mere veil that separates you from Me. I can see you through the veil, it is quite sheer, My children, and this veil will begin to draw back as the events of the purification on Earth evolve.

Bit by bit you will see what your eyes now do not see, you will begin to see My Presence among you; you will begin to see Heaven on Earth. The pain that each one will suffer will draw back this veil and you will begin to become aware of the reality that surrounded you, that I tried so hard to explain and that you did not wish to understand. 

Your lack of Faith failed to understand these Truths that I gave you and which were within reach, yet even though your eyes were veiled, your reason did not wish to comprehend, with humility, what I was handing to you.

It is so difficult for you to live in humility. If you would only allow yourself to be enfolded by it, there are so many things you would see, so many things you would understand, but you remain as such, blind, because you prefer to see with human eyes and not with the eyes of your soul.

Ask My Holy Spirit that in you indwells, to draw back the veil from the eyes of your soul so you may see now all the wonders that I shall give you if you persevere in the trials that already surrounds you.

Many of you feel that the trial of purification that you will have will be very difficult, insurmountable, because you feel your heart filled with sin and evil. When you react as such, My children, and it is coming straight from your heart and with humility, that humility is what is going to save you  and take away much of the pain that the majority your brethren will experience, during this worldwide purification.  
The more you draw near to Me, the fuller your heart is with love, but of a sincere, pure, profound and true heart, is what will help you easily endure; yes, My children, I repeat, easily endure the difficult events of the purification because I shall be with you and I shall protect you from much pain.  

The fact that you have chosen the right path implies sacrifice, work, but above all, love. You have chosen the best part and that part, which is I, shall protect you.

I have mentioned that I am Just and you shall see My Justice come over you, but My Justice over you will be light; most definitely, My Justice shall also fall upon the righteous, because sin has tainted you and at some point you have allowed it to disgrace you. 

My Justice shall be benevolent with you, with My true children, and you shall most certainly rejoice in My Justice and you shall call upon it to purify you because you shall know that you need it in order to stand in My Presence. Call upon for it to enter into your life, My children, in your self and do not be afraid, for, I repeat, My Justice shall not strike upon you righteous souls, as on those that have attacked Me and attacked your brethren. 
Trust in Me and trust from deep in your heart, for I have told you that it grieves Me immensely when a soul does not trust in Me, your God.

Thank you, My children.


“May the Love of the Holy Trinity enfold, protect all that is visible and invisible, all the souls, all of creation, against all that satan has defiled and has led into evil”.


  • The events have already begun and will continue until the entire Earth is purified, it is My Promise and so it shall be. 
  • Satan has entered into the most Holy place and has devised it so that by changing the Consecration, there is no transubstantiation into My Blood.
  • The Earth in its entirety shall be purified, it is time to fall down on your knees, My children, it is time to ask for forgiveness, it is time to ask for Mercy, the time is here.
  • Help Me, My children, to fight against all evil that has disseminated throughout the Earth; I need your help, I need your support; you are My children, you are My family.
  • My Justice shall be benevolent with you, with My true children, and you shall most certainly rejoice in My Justice and you shall call upon it to purify you because you shall know that you need it in order to stand in My Presence.


Message from God the Father to J.V.,

First Mystery, God the Father speaks, 
Theme:  The events have already begun and will continue until the entire Earth is purified, it is My Promise and so it shall be.
My children, Love comes to renew the whole earth; that is My Promise. I have told you so for a long time and those souls who have persevered shall win, much as in the days of Noah, who warned of the floods and few, just his family, were those who persevered because they believed in My Words. 

In these times, My children, you have also received warnings for a long time, so that you would prepare,  and if you understood  what I was saying, with your prayers, with the gift of yourself, you could have lessened the events, but you tired of waiting and returned to your past life: a life of sin, a life without the Sacraments, a life without prayer, a self-centered life, where I exist no longer, you no longer come to Me, you make a life on your own and you are not with Me. Well, My children, as of now I forewarn you of the most powerful events, as they have been announced. 

It started to rain heavily, but those men did not believe that the rain would continue and now too the events shall unfold, as I had announced that the events of purification would come one after another and continue to heighten. 

Those were the floodwaters and they purified the Earth, now these disasters and the fire that shall come from the Heavens shall also purify all souls. It shall be a renovating fire, cleansing all souls and cleansing the Earth.

You have attacked what is Mine; you have distanced yourself from My Laws and above all, from My Love. Do you believe, My children, that I can continue enduring your mockery and above all, you indifference towards all that comes from Me, all that which is Mine, all that I was willing to give to you to ensure your eternal salvation? No, My children, I am your Father, I am your God, I love you infinitely and you, as disobedient children that you are –and many of you evil because you have made pacts with the enemy–, will endure your chastisement, but it is a fatherly chastisement and you must accept it as such.

You must accept that the chastisement is due to your errors and with humility accept it, so that I might have mercy on you, because if you stay firm in your arrogance even at the moment of chastisement, My Ire shall be greater against you for your mockery will continue against Me and you are no one to mock Me, your Creator.

These are times of purification where the obedient and righteous souls, those souls that are united with Me, love Me, accept My Commandments, accept My instructions of Love, will survive. These docile, meek, and humble souls are those that will inherit these New Times, where the chosen souls will be gratified. The evil souls filled with pride will not enter into My New Kingdom on Earth, they shall be eliminated, but if they were to repent from their sins and evil, I shall be Merciful and they will not be lost for all eternity.  

I repeat once again, no one believed Noah until it began to rain, and in these times many have not believed My warnings given to you through My chosen children throughout the World, who have forewarned you with ample time for you to effectively change your behavior to Good. The events have begun and will continue until the entire Earth is purified, it is My Promise and so it shall be.

Second Mystery, Our Lord Jesus Christ speaks,
Theme: Satan has entered into the most Holy place and has devised it so that by changing the Consecration, there is no transubstantiation into My Blood.
My children, I had already asked you to go about blessing everything in your path (speaking in tongues…), so that all that you blessed, people and things, everything created by Me, visible and invisible, would return to Me. Now I am asking you, My children, that you enfold everything with My Love.

My Blood which was given for all, through the Masses celebrated around the World, should be perfectly purifying everything and hence My Blood should be protecting and purifying all of mankind. But, you know that satan has entered into the Holiest of places and has devised it so that by changing the Consecration there is no transubstantiation into My Blood, and thus, the wine remains as such, and My Blood is not available to continuously purify the whole of mankind.

That is why I am asking all My children, those who are with Me, to enfold the entire Earth with My Love, and I ask for it in the following manner, My children: “May the Love of the Holy Trinity enfold, protect all that is visible and invisible, all the souls, all of creation, against all that satan has defiled and has led into evil”, repeat it continuously, My children and this way My Love shall protect the entire Earth.

Certainly, My Blood continues protecting you, but not to the degree that it should, My children, but My Love shall protect you and this way, you will wrest power away from satan for he is powerless against My Love and he will not be able to destroy everyone and everything that is Blessed and protected by My Love.

I offer you all of this, My children, from the simplicity of My Heart, so that you may see that it is through the most simple acts that the greatest things may be achieved and that will bring about the change –as I have told you before and I repeat once again; it is My Love that you should draw near to you and yours.

That is why you must continuously repeat what I have asked you to repeat: that My Love enfold and protect you and yours and you shall quash satan’s power.

I love you My children; bring unto Me and to eternal salvation, many, many souls through My Love.
Thank you My children.

Third Mystery, God the Father speaks,
Theme: The Earth in its entirety shall be purified, it is time to fall down on your knees, My children, it is time to ask for forgiveness, it is time to ask for Mercy, the time is here.
My children, I, thy God and Father, am guiding the events. Yes, I, Myself, am watching that nothing gets out of hand, even though satan may wish it so and seeks to provoke it into doing so. Those who are with Me do not need to worry; certainly he wishes to attack the good souls and destroy them, all those souls that are still persevering, those souls whom have taken My Words within their hearts and treasure these deep in their soul, with respect, with tenderness, with love. How is that you would believe, My children, that I would allow the severe events of the purification to fall upon you? I am a Just God, Kind, and Merciful; I cannot treat a good soul as I would an evil soul.

That is why, in My Infinite Mercy, I forewarned you a long time ago that this time would come to be, so that everyone would prepare, everyone, all the inhabitants of the Earth; you were forewarned long ago so that My Promises, warnings, My Words, would reach the whole World, because I Love you; and hence you would have enough time to truly change internally and that change would abate or cancel the events and you would ensure a safe position in My Eyes, when facing My Divine Wrath, when facing My Justice, against everything and everyone that is against Me.

My Love has poured out and continues to do so for all mankind. It poured forth throughout all times. My Mercy reaches good an evil souls: in the good souls it produces a superlative growth, beautiful, a purifying growth; and in the evil souls, with hope that once My Grace reached them, it might make them reflect upon and change their behavior, but in many souls this has not been so. These souls will not be able to say that I was unjust because they were given much time; all souls had access to My Words from everywhere, to My Warnings, to My Love, but they remained deaf; their hearts closed off to My Love. I respect their free will, but My Justice shall strike down upon them and they will receive what they have earned, because that is what they have chosen.

On the other hand, those souls who lend their ears and let My Words abide in their hearts will be rewarded by My Infinite Mercy.

If you sought out what is Good you shall be protected by that Good and you shall see My Mercy upon you in these times of tribulation, meanwhile you shall watch as My Justice strikes down upon those souls that refused to be with Me.

My Blessings are unrelenting and I continue to give you time, but you have reached the limit, the time is upon you, you are now in the midst of the events and these shall continue to worsen day by day. The Earth in its entirety shall be purified, it is time to fall down on your knees, My children, it is time to ask for forgiveness, it is time to ask for Mercy, the time is here.
Thank you My children.

Fourth Mystery, the Blessed Virgin Mary speaks,
Theme: Help Me, My children, to fight against all evil that has disseminated throughout the Earth; I need your help, I need your support; you are My children, you are My family.
My children it is I, your Mother, the Ever-Virgin Mary (speaking in tongues…) I am with you, My children, and with all who have sought the Love of My Son.

I protect you, My children; watch Me as I stand above all nations on Earth. Watch as these rays of Love that come from Me, are projected from My Hands, protecting all nations. I am with you, My children, I watch over you.

You have reached the moments of the Great Battle, but you are with Me, My children, My Motherly Heart watches over you and protects you, but I do not wish for you to leave My side that you not part from My Heart.

My children, I ask you at these moments that from now on you make a greater effort in your life to stay pure, to seek your sanctification, and help your brethren by example so that they too may seek to live according to how My Son pleadingly asked you to live; for your spiritual growth and to lead a life filled with Love, where My Son’s real Presence indwells, because when a soul seeks perfection, seeks to live in love and purity, My Son indwells in those souls and there is no greater and most beautiful gift that a soul can have than to have God residing at their side –Infinite Love.  What more could you want, you who are so little? To have God indwelling, is an immense gift and I am telling you how you can obtain it. Fight against yourself, against all that can take away purity, the love in your heart, primarily the love for your God and then the love for your brethren.
My Son spoke only of Love, you have this schooling in Love and all you need to do is follow it, My children. You have not fought hard enough to obtain the enormity of what My Son gave to you. You are wasting much of what you could still obtain of you give more of yourself. Enormous spiritual gifts await you but you must fight for them.

You know from the world, the battles you must lead to obtain what you need; in the Spiritual world you must also fight even though, certainly, the Grace of God is given freely and continuously and you receive it, but in order to keep it within you, you must fight for it so that you do not lose it, because Grace cannot inhabit where there is sin and if Grace is given continuously, when you seek sin and allow it to enter into your heart, Grace departs; you are being disrespectful, you are sullying His Grace, you are not valuing its worth and so it departs from within you, for it cannot coexist with evil that of your free will accept to enter and inhabit your heart.     

My children, you can see the gravity of the events all around you and I am not speaking just about the destruction of the people on Earth, but of spirituality of your brethren. You can see how true spiritual values are no longer sought and that is more destructive than watching buildings and homes collapse.

Most certainly it is painful as it does Us too here in Heaven; it hurts to see the pain caused by the disasters to the population and nations, but it hurts even more to watch a soul condemned because it allowed satan into their heart.

Observe the souls, My children observe the souls on Earth, do not look at the physical aspects, what your eyes can see; observe the hearts of your brethren, watch how they behave, scrutinize them and see their spirituality and you shall notice how your world is today. You have withdrawn love from it, you have removed a life in God, you have surrendered your world into the claws of satan. You have not fought to maintain My Son’s Inheritance, all His Love, all His Teachings, all the spiritual life that He left you. You have not protected this Divine Treasure, satan has wrenched it from you, and now, satan has taken possession of your souls. Your souls were created to be filled with love, good works, beautiful things, holy things. What have you done with your soul, My children?  Instead of being a transparent, pure, and spotless recipient in the Eyes of God, you are now a garbage can; horrifying, dirty, pestilent; that is the state of the soul of many. There is no transparency, you cannot transmit anything worthwhile because there is nothing good inside you but even then, despite all this, My children, My Son continues to seek you out and I continue protecting you, I am above all nations continuously protecting them against satan’s attacks, caring for everyone, awaiting your conversion. Come to Me, My children, these are My Times, the times of a Mother who loves you infinitely and Who is fighting arduously against satan’s force.         
I love you immensely, help Me, My children, to fight against all evil that has disseminated throughout the Earth; I need your help, I need your support; you are My children; you are My family; let us fight, My children, with the Love of Our God. I love you My children, thank you, thank you for your love.
Thank you My children.

Fifth Mystery, God the Father speaks,
Theme: My Justice shall be benevolent with you, with My true children, and you shall most certainly rejoice in My Justice and you shall call upon it to purify you because you shall know that you need it in order to stand in My Presence.
My children, it is but a mere veil that separates you from Me. I can see you through the veil, it is quite sheer, My children, and this veil will begin to draw back as the events of the purification on Earth evolve.

Bit by bit you will see what your eyes now do not see, you will begin to see My Presence among you; you will begin to see Heaven on Earth. The pain that each one will suffer will draw back this veil and you will begin to become aware of the reality that surrounded you, that I tried so hard to explain and that you did not wish to understand. 

Your lack of Faith failed to understand these Truths that I gave you and which were within reach, yet even though your eyes were veiled, your reason did not wish to comprehend, with humility, what I was handing to you.

It is so difficult for you to live in humility. If you would only allow yourself to be enfolded by it, there are so many things you would see, so many things you would understand, but you remain as such, blind, because you prefer to see with human eyes and not with the eyes of your soul.

Ask My Holy Spirit that in you indwells, to draw back the veil from the eyes of your soul so you may see now all the wonders that I shall give you if you persevere in the trials that already surrounds you.

Many of you feel that the trial of purification that you will have will be very difficult, insurmountable, because you feel your heart filled with sin and evil. When you react as such, My children, and it is coming straight from your heart and with humility, that humility is what is going to save you  and take away much of the pain that the majority your brethren will experience, during this worldwide purification.  
The more you draw near to Me, the fuller your heart is with love, but of a sincere, pure, profound and true heart, is what will help you easily endure; yes, My children, I repeat, easily endure the difficult events of the purification because I shall be with you and I shall protect you from much pain.  

The fact that you have chosen the right path implies sacrifice, work, but above all, love. You have chosen the best part and that part, which is I, shall protect you.

I have mentioned that I am Just and you shall see My Justice come over you, but My Justice over you will be light; most definitely, My Justice shall also fall upon the righteous, because sin has tainted you and at some point you have allowed it to disgrace you. 

My Justice shall be benevolent with you, with My true children, and you shall most certainly rejoice in My Justice and you shall call upon it to purify you because you shall know that you need it in order to stand in My Presence. Call upon for it to enter into your life, My children, in your self and do not be afraid, for, I repeat, My Justice shall not strike upon you righteous souls, as on those that have attacked Me and attacked your brethren. 
Trust in Me and trust from deep in your heart, for I have told you that it grieves Me immensely when a soul does not trust in Me, your God.

Thank you, My children.