Sep 04_01 The gifts and charismas bestowed by My Holy Spirit.


A Message from God the Father to J.V.


God the Father Speaks,

My Children, My little ones, the Charismas that My Holy Spirit bestows to you are many, for many are the needs of My Holy Church spread out through out the World.

All of humanity, as its mystic body, requires many tasks to keep it strong and each one of you must assign the charisma received to providing that energy. The gifts or charismas that My Holy Spirit bestows are given so that you may perform, so that you may continue to work, so that you may continue building My Kingdom on Earth, and so that you may continue improving. It does not matter whether the gift received is, apparently, passive –as is the gift of contemplative prayer– or active, as is the gift conferred upon a missionary; both gifts, as well as all others, are active for they act upon the life of My Church.

You should never envy the gifts given to your brethren; instead you should put in motion that gift which was granted to you and for which you will be more proficient at developing. Even in the world, you are proficient at performing certain tasks, while not others.

For example, if you are a housewife even if you have the desire to do something else more “important”, if you were not granted that gift or capacity, you will not be able to develop it. For Me, thy God, there are no top level position nor “unimportant” positions, for Me, what I have given you are positions of responsibility, of more or less responsibility, and these are destined  to assist with the salvation and redemption of all souls. Be it in the spiritual life or in the material world, if you do not accept nor work with the gift or gifts bestowed, you will not bear fruit.

The spiritual life must occupy a very important position in the life of a Child of God. I AM Pure Spirit and so is your soul, hence that the ideal communication between us –between I, thy God, and your soul– must be spiritual, internal, in other words, through prayer that comes from your complete acceptance of Me within you; acceptance of My True Presence within you. If you do not in true Faith accept this, you will never engage in that vital communication required between us.  

Having Faith in Me is essential, but so is acceptance and love. You can have Faith, yet you might limit My action within you. You can have Faith and acceptance and yet impede My Love from flowing in you or through you. Everything must be constructive, everything must lead to an end, and that end is living your life united with Mine, thy God; for the creature to accept, abide, and allow his God to act through him.

A soul without spiritual life can not grow, it lacks nourishment, it wanders for it has not come to know its Divine Host from Whom it can obtain all, especially the necessary support for its earthly mission.

A soul without spiritual life is like a ship sailing in a violent sea, incessantly under attack from every direction and uncontrollable.

A soul without spiritual life is like a flower without water and fertilizer, unable to grow strong and beautiful. A soul can not live without its God.

If you would only become more observant, if you had a deeper and richer life with Me, you would learn My Secrets, you would come to understand the Laws of the Universe, the Laws of Nature, of everything that surrounds you and its intimate, close, relationship with Me, its Creator. All of creation follows a perfect plan and is in harmony with My Will, only man steps outside the bounds of My Will, for by granting him free will he does not wish to accept Mine which is perfect, which is the most secure, filled with Wisdom and which shall bring you all that is good. Only man believes that all that he does can be superior to My Wisdom. Only man believes that he can walk alone in the world, through out the Universe with out any need for My Intervention.  Only man is capable of creating his own laws without taking the laws of his God into consideration.

Without spiritual life, by not drawing near to your Creator, without unconditional trust, as I give and ask of you, you can not move forward. Could mankind have moved forward, technically and scientifically without attending school to learn the A, B, C or 1, 2, 3? In order to grow you must first learn the basics. You wish to become as gods, and even though you will never do so, you would need to work your way up starting with HUMILITY. The same thing happens with humankind; you wish to conquer planets, the whole universe when you have yet to learn to conquer the Heart of thy God and of thy brethren.

Once you work together, supported by profound prayer and true LOVE, shall you then conquer all that you wish for I shall hand it to you freely, because by then, you will have learned how to conquer the Heart of thy God.

I bless you in My Holy Name, in the name of My Son, and in the name of the Love of My Holy Spirit.