A Message from God the Father to J.V.


God the Father speaks,
My children, today I would like to speak to you about the Holy Rosary, the grandest of favors granted to My Holy Daughter, the Blessed Virgin Mary.

All cultures, old and new, have and have needed to glorify, give thanks, ask for and offer holocausts, and above all, love a particular god. The soul has that intrinsic need to seek and try to find its spirituality; it is predisposed towards the eternal, the sublime, to that which is not of this earth. 

Each soul once embodied goes through a transformation where it is imprisoned by the body and its weaknesses. And so the soul has a need to concentrate more on the spiritual things so as to defeat the deviations, passions, sin, into which the soul is dragged by the body. The intelligent soul, the soul that discerns –a good soul– will strive to maintain the spirituality with which it descended and so its efforts to maintain that state will be great, for great shall be the attacks that the devil will inflict upon it whilst trying to entice the soul into evil. Once the soul has discerned the truth, it arrives at the conclusion that there is no other path to maintain spiritual health than through spiritual nourishment: prayer and a life in love. 

My Son Jesus Christ, prior to instituting the Holy Eucharist, gave grand examples as to the meaning of prayer and what it should mean to you as well. The Holy Scriptures mention that Jesus, after predicating, “went on His own to pray to the Father”. It is also stated that Jesus “went out to the mountain to pray” and in yet another passage: “all night He continued in prayer to God”, etc. There are many passages in which the value of prayer as spiritual nourishment and as an aid in times of extreme trials is exemplified, and so the Scriptures narrate that upon starting His Public Life Jesus prayed and fasted in the wilderness for forty days. When He was about to be taken prisoner, the Scriptures state: Then Jesus went with his disciples to a place called Gethsemane. And, in many other instances, both He and My Daughter, the Blessed Virgin, Mother of My Son, taught you how to pray to Me, thy Father. Their prayers were always offered to Me as prayers of thanksgiving, prayers of love, prayers of intimate union, prayers for petitions, prayers for intercession, such as those offered at Canaan. My Daughter interceded before Her Son-God on behalf of the bride and groom, as well as for all those who intercede on behalf of their brethren, seeking to obtain healing and life of body and soul.

A Prayer of Divine Communion such as that which was instituted in the Holy Eucharist. His Life was a prayer, as yours should be too, a means of nourishing your soul in continuous prayer to thy God from Whom you receive all.

My children, through simple, humble, and trusting prayer you can obtain all from Me as long as it is intended to aid in your spiritual growth and in fulfillment of your mission on Earth. As I have often told you, do not squander your prayers on material and superfluous things. I continuously watch over you and provide for your basic needs, and even at times I might offer you a “special gift” that may contribute to your physical well being so that you may better fulfill your mission. When you were sent down to Earth to serve Me, as well as when you seek My Kingdom above all other things, I give you the embellishments deemed necessary to suffice your physical needs.  

Prayer in the hands of a loving and meek soul, who seeks only to fulfill My needs for you, is very powerful. The greatest saints have understood it as such, which is why I have told you that your human status holds no value, what is of value are your desires and actions for they are the desires of the soul to serve their God.  Many souls among you became incarnate in kings, in humble people, and even in beggars, and a sanctity at the greatest levels has been bestowed upon them.  

It is neither money nor a social position that gives prayer power, nor the soul holiness; it is the love filled actions of the soul towards Me and their brethren that will sanctify the soul.

It is a life of prayer that brings triumph and rewards to the soul, so then it is that you have come to know of many bedridden souls who for many years never stepped outside of their quarters and yet today are the greatest of saints. You have also heard of many a great warrior, defender of the Faith that gave his life in battle or on a mission while bringing the Teachings of My Son to their brethren in lands afar, and who today are also great saints.  

My children, without prayer you are nothing. You have the greatest of gifts that I can give: the soul, but without prayer it can not grow and thus there are many adults in body with an unnourished soul which has sought only worldly goods and forsaken spiritual nourishment and thus has not grown. On the other hand, there are children in body, with an adult soul, mature, robust, for they have understood the greatest of values in prayer, they live it, put it in practice and have reaped abundant fruits.  

Only I can see souls and their development however, if you were able to see them you would be amazed to see the souls of those among you whom you consider “great men”, “important people” to the human eyes, “famous” people you know because of their artistic, athletic, or human merits, yet whose souls are emaciated or nearly dead because they have not only failed to give it life by living and transmitting pure and sincere love, they have killed the Grace within them because of their life of sin.

On the other hand, you might see the souls of “simple and common people”, perhaps even those who are either beggars or employed in performing jobs that to many would be considered unworthy or despicable and yet who possess the most beautiful of souls, grand souls, heroic souls in virtue.

You must learn not to rely on human appearances, but instead to respect true life, that which you can not fully see since generally, those souls you consider strange or weird to the human eye are in fact souls that live in a state of Grace and prayer. You must come to understand them, welcome them and support them for it is because of these souls that live in prayer, that many evils are averted, and at times, annulled. So much evil could be prevented and destroyed if all were to become souls that live in prayer; you would live Heaven on Earth, for to live in prayer is to live With Me, and I am your Heaven, I am thy God.

It is because of My Love for you that I have given you, through your Holy Mother, the Grace of receiving the Holy Rosary. The recitation of the Holy Rosary is dear to Our Heart and comes in second only to the Holy Eucharist. It is through the recitation of the Holy Rosary and the devotion to My Daughter, the Blessed Virgin Mother, that the majority of the saints have attained their sanctity. It is through the recitation of the Holy Rosary that immense Graces have been given to many people, and to all humanity. It is through the recitation of the Holy Rosary that Heaven has drawn near to Earth and so it shall be that with the aid of your prayers, the Earth shall be purified.

You can not isolate the devotion, the great love you have for My Holiest of Daughter’s, from the recitation of the Holy Rosary. Those who have been called to be My Dearest of Children, in whom I can trust most intimately, have reached Me through the Heart of My Holy Daughter and hence, through the recitation of the Holy Rosary.

Its recitation is so powerful that through it, the devil shall be defeated and chained. It is through the recitation of the Holy Rosary–maximum advocate of prayer—that many events harmful to humanity will be minimized or cancelled. It is through the recitation and devotion to the Holy Rosary that many souls on Earth will be sanctified. It is through the love of the Holy Rosary that you shall come to know the Supreme and Eternal Love for all eternity.

The recitation of the Holy Rosary is the most complete prayer that exists. You sacrifice your time in its recitation and offer your sacrifice to Me through my Daughter. You offer penance by praying on your knees with diligence and love. You mortify your humanly passions by allowing your soul to pray and through your love-filled concentration, you halt and obstruct the snares of the enemy. You offer a Divine holocaust by mentioning with love and respect My Name and that of My Daughter’s. You grow spiritually with the aid of My Holy Spirit, by meditating upon each Mystery of the Holy Rosary. You become co-redeemers with My Son by accompanying Him and living each of His moments on earth through the Mysteries you pray. You offer profound thanks for the Graces you have received by recognizing the greatness you have obtained through the gift of life I give to you, and for all the merits of My Son Jesus Christ and My Daughter, the Blessed Virgin Mary, for your salvation and Eternal Glory.

You experience mystic moments during its recitation for when you recite it in union with the Heavens, Purgatory and your brethren on Earth, I am among you, and if I am with you, My Life is with you and I make Myself known in you and to you in many ways, as many of you have confirmed.

Through the recitation of the Holy Rosary you are encircled by Heaven on Earth.
My Children, I have given you the greatest of powers that you should not waste, a great power that is within reach of all ages and to all social statuses, a great power that will obtain for you the final triumph, if the power of prayer and the recitation of the Holy Rosary are used with respect, love and trust.

Unite yourselves with fervor to My Daughter, the Blessed Virgin Mary, so that supported by thy Mother, you may save the world that currently seems to be more in the hands of My enemy than in Mine.

Your sincere, humble, and loving prayers shall inflame My Heart with Mercy and you shall immediately see its fruits of protection and Salvation for all.

Trust in Me, trust in My Love, trust in My Mercy, trust in the power of prayer.

I bless you in My Holy Name of Eternal God of Love, in the name of My Son Jesus Christ, perfect gift of Love, in the name of My Holy Spirit, Voice and Guide of Love, and in the name of My Holy Daughter, the Ever Blessed Virgin Mary, and the perfect gift to Love.