Aug 03_99 Beware of the False Prophets.



A Message from God the Father to J.V.


God the Father speaks,
My Children, today I wish to warn you about the false prophets.

Just as I, thy God, have chosen My prophets through out history and shall continue to do so that they may guide my people until the end of the world, My enemy has chosen his to turn My Creation against their God.

If I ask for Love he will say hate, if I say Life he will promulgate death. If I ask for peace he will bring war.  He will always work against My Laws, against My Love, against his Creator. He had Me and lost Me because of his pride and now does not wish for you to be saved. He has done and will do anything to deviate you from the Way, the way of Love that I have drawn for each and everyone and which I have placed in your heart.

The life I ask of you is the Life I gave your Forefathers, a life of a Living and continuously Presence between Myself, thy God, and His creature. I created you to be loved by Me, to share My Spiritual Life which I first materialized in Paradise, for your Forefathers, together with the whole of the Universal Creation. Because of Original Sin all was severed but then, through My Son Jesus Christ, I gave back the Spiritual Life through the Sacred Eucharist –His Precious Body and Blood– so that through Them, together with the other Sacraments, you could regain your Earthly Paradise.

I have repeated many times: “My Kingdom is not of this World”. My Kingdom is Spiritual, it is My Life within you, a life of Love that you possess through My Holy Spirit that dwells within you.

Your life on Earth is a spiritual mission, a mission of Love, a mission of co-redemption, a mission of salvation of souls that are currently under siege, as well as those who once where and have yet to enter into My Eternal Kingdom, after their purification.

My Son brought you teachings of life, of life for your soul. He gave you nourishment for spiritual growth and eternal life.

Your time on Earth is temporary so then that it is illogical that you zealously seek the goods and pleasures of this world, when these shall remain on earth and may serve to deviate you from the true way, for your return to thy Father’s Kingdom.

My Son warned you to beware of the false prophets. He said it Himself and through My Prophets in olden times. He advised you that in the End of Times a large number of false prophets would emerge through out the World.

Who then would be a false prophet? I have told you that when I say Life, evil shall say death. If I say Peace he shall say war. If I say Spiritual Life, he shall say a worldly life. If I say Love he shall say hate. If I say union he shall say separation. If I say “You shall Love Thy Lord, Thy God”, he shall say love yourself. This should be enough for you to draw your own conclusions yet, I shall offer further indications and with greater precision.
The Holy Scriptures say: If someone says the Messiah is here, or there, do not listen. Many “new cultural religions” draw you into finding personal growth, a growth of your individual senses, both known and unknown, “those you have not taken advantage of”. They offer to help you tap into the “knowledge” and occult “powers” within you. They offer to “empower” your mental abilities, your “dormant” powers. In other words, they offer to “make you as gods”, leading you to do without Me, Thy God, thy Father.
My Son, as God, did not come to teach you “techniques in meditation” in order to find Me. He said:“Search within, for the Kingdom of God is in you”. His Words were very clear and simple, yourself and My Kingdom, which is within you in the Divine Presence of My Holy Spirit, are two distinct entities. He is the Life that moves your soul. He is the Divine Essence of My Being, He Inhabits you. Divinity inhabits you. You are not Divinity nor shall you be, for you are only a conduit. He will work through you if you allow Him to do so and for that He needs your free will united to a life of Grace and aided by My Sacraments.

Listen well, NONE, no sect, nor strange doctrine will take you into a life of divinity and much less, make you divine. Only I, Thy God, am Divine, for Divinity is Pure, Holy, Inimitable and ALL are My creatures, created by My Power of Love, and who shall never be pure because of Original Sin, and much less saintly if you do not draw near to Me, Thy God. By the mere act of wanting to attain a divinity that does not belong to you, you are taking away the possibility of sainthood and falling unto pride. When you no longer depend upon Thy God and Lord, you lose heart, weaken in Grace, and become easy prey to sins of the flesh and you annul the Life of My Spirit. By depending upon your own means and not the Divine Force that come from Thy God, you curtail His action. All that which leads you to create an independent and separate entity from thy God, will succumb. If you do not seek nourishment through My Holy Spirit and from the Holy Sacraments instituted by My Son, you shall soon find spiritual death of your soul. My Son also told you: By their fruits you shall know them. My Holy Spirit can fully dwell within those who embrace other religions as long as they produce LOVE. All those who produce spiritual love, unity, life within a family and with others are My Children and are one with Me. When one lives in intimate union with My Spiritual Life within you, they consequently live and transmit My Divine Essence –which is Love and Peace– of which I have often spoken and for which My Son descended on Earth. If you are “training” to seek Me out through purely human acts and your actions are not leading you to transmit and live in True Love and Spiritual Life, you are not living in the Truth.
 The false prophets of your time will lead you to vanity, to the creation of a life based on knowledge of your internal self, based on acting upon and exercising you own capacities and to living in the superfluous and carnal love, which will only give you efimerous pleasure, a pleasure that will ultimately sicken you. For all that is of the flesh soon ends and breeds boredom –beautiful as it may be– because it is separated from that which is spiritual, from that which is Mine and brings life, from that which is eternal, that makes it Holy. You seek your own life, a life that is egotistic because you impede it from further developing life by limiting procreation. Again, you sever the transmission of My Love through souls that I send in each of your children to inhabit the Earth. How is it that you dare to call you beliefs and doctrines, doctrines of life and love if you are limiting thy God? The false prophets speak to you of life, love and peace while they wage war, death and destruction for all the people of the world.

I am the Life, I am the Way by which to obtain True Wisdom, but to obtain It, much humility is needed a virtue that my adversary and his followers lack. “You will recognize them by their fruits” these false prophets of your time, that lead you to the enjoyment of the world, the vices, the depravation of mankind, to spiritual death begotten from the absence of a life in Grace and through the permissibility of all actions, of the acceptance and publication of all types of pornography and literature that allow you to “fully” enjoy your carnality and avoid all responsibility, as is that of leading a well constituted family life and multiplying, so as to fulfill My Laws and Precepts of Love.

Your heart has grown cold and banished Me. You have chosen an efimerous life instead of an eternal life at My side. You readily accept many falsehoods in your mind and in your heart because they are convenient for your carnality and your scarce spirituality. Much is the evil you produce because you do not allow Good to inhabit you; much pride dominates your being because you do not wish to live in the liberty that humility provides. Many are the deceits you suffer because you have chosen to follow false expectations, because you do not draw near to the Divine Source of the Word that My Son provided. You seek “hidden treasures”, unknown powers of your menial human capacities. False teachers of the unknown “guide” you to see what you cannot see while they themselves live in blindness to the spiritual reality that should be lived with Me. The Scriptures say that when the blind leads the blind it can only lead to an accident, which in many cases may prove fatal to your soul. You have removed yourself from My Life, My Law, My Teachings, and Me. What can you expect from it all if you are making do without that which brings you eternal salvation?

The false prophets invite you to partake of supernatural experiences. They invite you to live a life of miracles; they invite you to experience superhuman acts that not just anyone can accomplish. In other words, they invite to grow in pride, the original sin that brought about the fall of the angels and your Forefathers in the Beginning. That which does not come from Me is against Me. That, which does not originate from My Wisdom, is a lie. That which does not seek the Light of My Truth walks in darkness and ends in desperation.

The false prophets provoke uncertainty, while My Spiritual Life brings internal peace and security. They shall never be able to give the spiritual experiences, the “experiences of God” that I can give. You might experience “visions and dreams” through the means they teach but these shall never bring you clear and beautiful teachings nor the assurance of knowing that your actions are in favor of thy God.  They may bring about these experiences through the use of drugs or self hypnosis, but these shall never be a gift of beauty as that which I give to those that are Mine, that seek me out, that look to please Me by living in My Life of Grace, with Me, in spite of all the temptations that these false prophets may offer.

My Children, remain in the life of Grace, bringing LOVE to all, in a life of humility and gift of oneself towards your brethren, and then shall you find easily Me. Do not fear what others may say or promise, trust in thy God and He shall give you the gift of True Spiritual and Eternal Life. Ask for the Light of My Holy Spirit, Who inhabits you, ask Him in humility for the Gift of Discernment so that He may guide you down the path of Truth, and fear not for “I shall be with you until the End of World”. 

I Bless you and protect you with My Fatherly Love, through My Son, and in the Love of My Holy Spirit.