Important and urgent Message for all humanity.

A Personal Message given at the end of 2014, announcing an important event in the second semester of 2015.



Late last year, at year-end 2014, God Our Father, gave me a message, but more than a message it was a feeling that an incident would unleash during the second semester of 2015. He made me feel as if something decisive would happen in the World, yet I did not understand if it would be Worldwide or for only part of the World. It is a very drastic event, but He made Me feel that there was something beautiful in this event, I do not know how to explain it but, within the disaster I felt a sense of joy.


From that moment, and during the course of this year, I’ve noticed that in the Messages that I’ve received from the Heavens, that yes, indeed, He is most certainly preparing us for the event He announced to me, since in recent Messages He is asking us to pray for those that may die and are not prepared to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven, and for us to kneel down in prayer, asking for forgiveness for our sins, to receive His Mercy.


I make this message public and forgive me for doing so almost at the last moment, but there is still time left to reconsider and save many souls.


May God Bless us all.