Mar 04_04 Never depart, never, from My Son’s Teachings.



A Message from Our Most Blessed Virgin Mary to J.V.


The Blessed Virgin Mary speaks,
My children, it is I, your Mother the Ever-Virgin Mary.

My children, you are beneath My Cloak, never depart, never, from My Son’s Teachings, embrace them, give them life, and transmit them to your brethren by example, more so than with words.

This is what My Son did, He, throughout His Life, preached; perhaps he barely spoke, but He did more with His Presence.

My children do not be afraid, I see much fear in your heart, many doubts, uncertainty; please do not fear, for this greatly distresses My Son’s Heart.

Not trusting in what has been told to you: that Love shall protect you; that Love will guide you; that Love shall lead the way so that you do not falter, that greatly afflicts the Love of My Son because you are not trusting fully in what you have been told.

You are small, you are children, and the Father always make sure that the child does not falter; you are His children because you have understood the Word, have put it into practice and impart it.

That is why, My children, as the coddled children that you are, you should not offend My Son’s Heart, by doubting, by fearing.

Trust, trust fully in the Mercy and in the Love of My Son and in your God, the Father.

We shall be at your side to assist you at every moment, but I ask you My children, that you seek the salvation of your brethren, and there are many, many, of your brethren through out the world who truly suffer…more than they love; fill their hearts with Love, never with fear; lift them up, lead them into the depths of God’s Heart, they will be grateful and so shall We.

Please My children live in the Will of your God Who is Love, utter Love.

I bless you My children with the Love of your Mother; I shall always be with you and shall protect you beneath My Cloak.